Thinking Anglicans

opinion columns

The Times has Stephen Plant writing on If faiths are to parley they first have to get into each other’s good books, and also Conal Gregory writes about the York Mystery Plays in A marvellous quarry of medieval devotion.

Face to Faith in the Guardian is by Shaunaka Rishi Das and is about Hinduism.

The Guardian also has some letters to the editor, also here. There were more letters in The Times too.

Last week, the Church Times carried an extract from the Gore Lecture given by Peter Selby. The full text of the lecture is on the Westminster Abbey website. The title was: Structures of Disdain – and how they might be redeemed.

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Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

This is all too sad. I’ve just handed in my resignation to my minister after today’s sermon on John 15 started on the theme of branches dying when they are cut off. I had hoped with the 2007 Synod there might be a chance for a more diverse and tolerant culture to develop within Sydney Anglicans, but based on the recent events I think the alternatives will either be suppressed or leave. What will remain will be a “pure” diocese untainted by a feelings of guilt that the leadership has embraced a Roman principle of an elite with citizen rights… Read more »

18 years ago

Cheryl – I feel for you. Did the preacher get into verses 11-17? If you’d been anywhere else in Australia you would have got the healing of the daughter of Jairus today (even if the deacon at the mass I attended left out the more spectacular healing that happened on the way to Jairus’ house). In a sense it was one of those quirks of the lectionary that it gave (most of us) that passage today, given the last couple of weeks – “Your faith has made you whole”.

18 years ago

Shaunaka (Rishi Das) is a UK leader of ISKCON, the Hare Krishna movement. AFAIK, the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies was set up with ISKCON money. Shaunaka sometimes in print describes himself as a practising Hindu priest, without mentioning that it’s Hare Krishnaism. Not sure why he’s not open about it, because it deeply affects his perspective on Hinduism and it would be useful to the reader to know.

New Here
New Here
18 years ago

Cheryl, I am very sorry to hear about your troubles. I know very little about the Sydney crew, but what I have read leads me to wonder precisely what is Anglican about Jensen and his establishment. They seem much more like the fundamentalist Presbyterians that we have here in the states. Is that a fair judgment, or am I missing something?

18 years ago

But Hare Krishna is part of the Hindu spectrum, isn’t it? The Hindus in the UK who use their headquarters certainly seem to think so!

Christopher Shell
Christopher Shell
18 years ago

What does the denial of access to medicine and food refer to?

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