Thinking Anglicans

Southern African bishops speak

The Synod of Bishops of the Church of the Province of Southern Africa, during its recent meeting, reflected on the position of the Anglican Communion and the present tensions within the Communion.

Read the full statement here.

…As Bishops, we remain convinced that within the Anglican Communion what unites us far outweighs what divides us. Our Spirituality and Worship with the daily reading of Holy Scripture within the Eucharist and the Daily Office unites us. Our experience has been that this has maintained and deepened our unity with each other. The Lambeth Quadrilateral has provided a framework for Anglicans for over a century and the Instruments of Unity as they have developed have played an important role in the unity of the Communion. We believe that the role of the Anglican Consultative Council ought to be strengthened as it best reflects the synodical governance of our churches. The Anglican Communion continues to unite us through the Cycle of Prayer, the networks it has established as well as through its work in the fields of Ecumenism, Theological Education, Mission and Canon Law. We look forward to the consultation needed towards the proposed Covenant and believe that it will further strengthen our unity. We remember with gratitude the support given by the Anglican Communion to the countries within our Province during our struggle for liberation and recognise the positive effect the Communion can have in situations of conflict and human need.

We urge the Anglican Communion to choose to remain united in accordance with the will of the Triune God whom we seek to serve. We understand that, given the situation in which we find ourselves at present, there is no simple or quick solution to the difficulties we face. We urge every part of the Anglican Communion to recognise, in one another, our common sanctification in Christ and to seek steps that, in time, will lead to reconciliation and the unity and peace that Christ wills for his Church. We pledge ourselves to continue to pray and work with all concerned for such reconciliation and unity and are ready to assist in this process where appropriate.

News reports of this: Bishops urge unity on homosexuality
Christian Post Southern Africa Bishops Call for Unity as Anglican Schism Looms
Catholic Information Service for Africa South Africa: Anglican Bishops Root for Unity of Communion

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18 years ago

Good positive statement (or extract, at least). I like what I see.

laurence roberts
laurence roberts
18 years ago

This message from the Bishops of Southern Africa,strikes me as a wonderfully warm, inspiring and encouraging message.

We could do with loads of this kind of thinking and encouraging. Glad it’s on the Anglican Communion website.

Marshall Scott
18 years ago

I think it interesting that the bishops of Southern Africa “believe that the role of the Anglican Consultative Council ought to be strengthened as it best reflects the synodical governance of our churches.” As the only one of the Instruments of Unity that includes lay members and clergy members who are not bishops it would certainly have a different perspective than either the Lambeth Conference or the Primates meetings. It would also represent a more representative process for reaching decisions. That would certainly offer a significant counterpoint to the actions of the Primates.

J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

I find it notable that SA Anglicans cite The Quad (when so many other African hierarchs cite The 39 Articles, and the 1662 BCP). The difference between *them* (and not homosexuality, per se) may mark the real emergence of two different claims to Anglicanism.

As I see it, The Quad unites, while the 39 Articles divide (the latter having the character of a *historical document*, NOT a *living tradition*). God alone knows where the Truth lies.

Lord have mercy!

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