Thinking Anglicans

Christ Church, Plano, Texas

Updated Saturday and Sunday

Christ Church Plano and the Bishop of Dallas have both issued statements which can be read in full here.

The Episcopal News Service has issued this release: Plano parish will pay to leave Episcopal Church.

The Living Church has Christ Church, Plano, Leaves The Episcopal Church.

Updated Saturday
The Dallas Morning News reports this: Church gets OK to leave Episcopal denomination.

Updated Sunday
Fort Worth Via Media notes here that:

They have a debt of 6.8 million on the building and they have 11 acres of property. At today’s prices you can’t buy 1 acre out there for less than 2 million. Could one say the Bishop and Standing Committee gave it away?

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Leonardo Ricardo
Leonardo Ricardo
18 years ago


It’s the reappearance of the tip toeing ++Venables.

I wondered what his Coneship, the non-African, non-Latino Americano, was “up to” since he objected so strongly to ++Akinolas protest/testy letter against +++Rowan after their Southern Global Cairo meet/hook-up.


What’s that I smell?

He’s been off in the “creation” lab whipping up a new receipe for cutout puritan monster cookies to offer as yet another “Traditional Anglican” brand to kick up his formerly shrinking Southern Western Hemisphere market share and demand.

18 years ago

Okay, then, yet another realignment innovation as it materializes into being in front of our very eyes – the shifted new use of the canonical, Godly Judgment, conjured up out of nothing, defined into being – like God speaking Fiat Lux? We can change our minds at the drop of a new conservative hat about church canons, polity, power. Oh yes. But we cannot change our minds about sex. Do these guys ever stop reaching as they lay claims to ever larger purviews of self-aggrandizing, religious power? In their own ways they can be surprisingly flexible when they are patting… Read more »

Caelius Spinator
Caelius Spinator
18 years ago

The Living Church states, “The largest congregation in The Episcopal Church, Christ Church, Plano, Texas…” This is erroneous. I can think of many larger parishes, including St. Martin’s, Houston, which I believe is the largest congregation in the Episcopal Church.

Karen B.
Karen B.
18 years ago

Caelius, according to ECUSA’s own statistics, Christ Church Plano is the largest in ASA. Yes, I believe St. Martin’s total membership is larger.

I’ll look for the link and be back…

Karen B.
Karen B.
18 years ago

Here’s the link for ECUSA’s stats from 2004

Simon Sarmiento
18 years ago

I wonder if this failure to win the total membership competition could be due to the requirements imposed for membership, which the parish website describes as follows:

There are three requirements for membership at Christ Church: baptism, attendance at the three-part Gateway class, and signing of the membership covenant. Gateway consists of a series of three 90-minute classes.

I was not able to discover the content of the covenant document that you apparently have to sign to become a member.

I never previously heard of an Anglican church with such a requirement.

David Rowett (= mynsterpreost)
David Rowett (= mynsterpreost)
18 years ago

Simon commented (re Plano)
I never previously heard of an Anglican church with such a requirement.

Not in the same league, but there is a church just into the northern province on the other side of the Bridge joining Yorkshire and England which expects those who wish to join its fellowship groups to have undergone baptism by Alpha.

Must be one of the sacraments necessary for salvation they never taught me about at Cuddesdon.

Caelius Spinator
Caelius Spinator
18 years ago

I didn’t know ASA was meant, but Karen B. appears to be right by that measure.

Here’s the link:

Lois Keen
18 years ago

Ah, Episcopal Church membership requirements. Well, here goes. The Episcopal Church does not require the signing of any covenant agreement whatsoever. Full stop. To be a member: If your baptism takes place at St. Swithen’s, you are a member there. If you were baptized someplace else, but your family transferred membership to St. Agnes’, you are a member there. If you were baptized someplace else but confirmed at St. Agnes, you are a member at St. Agnes. If you were baptized and confirmed a R.C. or into one of the Eastern Orthodox expressions of Christianity, and are received into the… Read more »

David Huff
David Huff
18 years ago

Well, at least Roseberry+ had the grace (after being pressured by a letter to the bishop from Via Media Dallas, no doubt) to resign his membership on the diocesan standing committee. And the parish (finally) offered to pay the diocese for their highly debt-laden property. All in all, it could have turned out alot worse… (Note: another parish in the diocese, St. Nicholas, Flower Mound, TX has gone the same way as Christ Church. Their rector is still, AFAIK, seated on the diocesan standing committee and I’ve heard *nothing* about them offering to pay for the Episcopal Church property they… Read more »

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