Thinking Anglicans

Diarmaid MacCulloch radio interview

The Today programme this morning carried an interview with Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch (see here for review of his latest book).

The interview was not however about his book, but about the current debate on sexuality. In this interview DM noted that a paranoic hatred of homosexuals started in the 11th or 12th centuries and has continued to the present day, uniting the Pope and Ian Paisley. He compared the current dispute to the Reformation itself.

You can hear the whole interview, using Real Audio here.

The CEN carries a news story about this interview here, under the headline Bible just plain wrong about homosexuality.

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Justin Lewis-Anthony
21 years ago

Dear Simon,

I wonder if it would be better for us to call the “opposition” to the Archbishop of Canterbury by a more accurate name than “evangelicals” or “conservatives” or even “fundamentalists”. William Countryman’s position paper (pdf format) on “Anglicans and Conflict”: reminded me of their true name and nature. It’s the “Puritans” we’re up against. Pray God that we have another Richard Hooker amongst us!

Justin Lewis-Anthony
Rector, St Stephen’s Canterbury

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