Thinking Anglicans

APO: open letter to Canterbury

An open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury Regarding requests for “alternative primatial oversight” has been posted here. Signatures from within ECUSA are invited.

The covering notice says:

The following letter originated from The Consultation Steering Committee, a network which includes representatives from the following organizations in The Episcopal Church: Integrity, Episcopal Urban Caucus, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Episcopal Women’s Caucus, Union of Black Episcopalians, Episcopal Ecological Network, National Episcopal AIDS Coalition, Province VIII Indigenous Ministries, Episcopal Church Publishing Company, Episcopal Network for Economic Justice, Episcopal Asiamerica Ministry Advocates, and Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission.

A further note concerning the provenance of this letter can be found here. Also:

An advance copy of the letter was sent in early November to Archbishop Williams, with copies to Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and to Bonnie Anderson, President of the House of Deputies. The Consultation Steering Committee will send a formal letter with signatures to the Archbishop of Canterbury after it has been available online for signatures.

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18 years ago

ANOTHER Open Letter?


18 years ago

Good on them !

This needed saying. And from plausible organisations and individuals on the ground.

18 years ago

Just added my signature: an outstanding (and faithful *Anglican*) contribution, to our eventual reconciliation.

Come, O Prince of Peace!

Leonardo Ricardo
18 years ago

A OPEN LETTER for a wide audience…that’s how it works.

Nothing like transparency to defuse cunning acts by despotic Bishops that would generate hate and destructiveness throughout the Anglican Communion.

18 years ago

I am sure the ABC is delighted with this helpful contribution……

Prior Aelred
18 years ago

I was told by a high ranking person in the Anglican Communion Office that we should contact Canterbury & York to let them know that the majority of Episcopalians support the decisions of General Convention — since it is only the neo-Donatists who ever contact them, thus giving them a most inaccurate view of what is going on.

So I signed.

18 years ago

Prior – I think the ABC knows that TEC has been hijacked by an extreme group – the letter will not be news to him

Columba Gilliss
Columba Gilliss
18 years ago

Glad to see the letter. I asked to have my name added. Columba Gilliss+

David Huff
David Huff
18 years ago

Whatza matter, BB ? Only people on *your* side of the aisle are allowed to send out these “open letters” ? 😉

I think ++Canterbury and ++York have heard quite enough from the small (but vocal) reactionary minority of TEC. It’s time the Episcopal Majority made its voice heard.

Dallas Bob
Dallas Bob
18 years ago

It’s about time. Faithful Episcopalians have tolerated the extreme right for decades – Bishop Iker has never been forced to ordain a woman, for example, nor is he or any of his network cohorts required to ordain gays or lesbians (of course, lesbians are disqualifed for just being female). We tolerate them still, in spite of their vicious accusations and mean-spirited attacks. Only when they “secede from the Union” do we say, well, gee let’s get someone in office who will carry out its duties. Yes – let’s get on the record as supporting our beloved Episcopal Church – and… Read more »

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
18 years ago

Dallas Bob wrote: “It’s about time. Faithful Episcopalians have tolerated the extreme right for decades – Bishop Iker has never been forced to ordain a woman, for example, nor is he or any of his network cohorts required to ordain gays or lesbians (of course, lesbians are disqualifed for just being female). We tolerate them still, in spite of their vicious accusations and mean-spirited attacks. Only when they “secede from the Union” do we say, well, gee let’s get someone in office who will carry out its duties.” To that I say a loud Amen! For too long the great… Read more »

18 years ago

jerry hannon says “For too long the great majority of the Episcopal Church have tolerated the ultra-orthodox wing of TEC…”

I can see what he means but then maybe for too long the great majority of the Anglican Church has tolerated the ultra-liberal TEC?

Dallas Bob
Dallas Bob
18 years ago

There seems to be some confusion among the right wing in which an Episcopal diocese’s membership in TEC is equated with TEC’s membership in the Anglican Communion. 1) The relationship of a diocese to TEC is similar to that of a state to the U.S. federal government. A state can not make laws that violate those of the federal government (e.g. jim crow laws). The relationship of TEC to the Anglican Communion is like that of Canada to the British Commonwealth. The UK and its Queen has no veto over Canada’s laws. 2) As an Episcopalian for more than 4… Read more »

18 years ago

Please note- nobody outside TEC cares about TEC democracy etc etc…….this is about a small province (TEC) breaking ranks, arrogantly doing its own thing for years and still wanting to stay in the AC despite being a very different animal to most of the AC (lacking confidence to go it alone as a liberal church?)

It is good liberal TEC people have sent an open letter – the worst result for everyone will be positions being unclear enough so that a fudge is achieved to keep the dysfunctional organistion together….all suffer that way

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
18 years ago

NP wrote: “jerry hannon says “For too long the great majority of the Episcopal Church have tolerated the ultra-orthodox wing of TEC…” I can see what he means but then maybe for too long the great majority of the Anglican Church has tolerated the ultra-liberal TEC?” I don’t mind someone disagreeing with me, but I do object to having one sentence, representing less than ten percent of what I wrote, taken wholly out of context, and misused. Perhaps that is NP’s style (some would know better than I), but it should not be acceptable. I would ask him/her to pay… Read more »

18 years ago

Jerry – take a chill pill! I am free to use your own logic to show the weakness of your points

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