Thinking Anglicans

recent interviews with the PB

First, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette interviewed Katharine Jefferts Schori during her recent visit there to preside at the consecration of the new Bishop of Arkansas. You can read the full interview here, at Bible Belt Blogger, Frank Lockwood, religion editor of the Democrat-Gazette, or there is another copy of it here.

Second, the Winter/Spring edition of the Voice of Integrity (published by the US Episcopalian LGBT organisation) also carried an interview. You can read this here in the 2 Mb PDF original (the interview starts on page 9), or there is an html transcription here.

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18 years ago

Voice of Integrity: I asked whether, as the once-inclusive Archbishop of Canterbury apparently has been, “Now that you’re Presiding Bishop, have you felt pressured to moderate your position on homosexuality?” She answered right away, “I think I’ve been pretty clear about what my position is. That’s my position.” Accurate observation and she’s quite right and indeed a voice of integrity in the United States. I approve of her words too, from the other interview: …I think the Episcopal church provides a liturgically familiar kind of setting, but with an openness of perspective that insists that people have to come to… Read more »

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