Thinking Anglicans

primates meeting: Thursday afternoon

The Living Church Presiding Bishop Attends Primates’ Orientation Session by George Conger.

That previously missing ENS story has been posted, In Tanzania, Episcopal Church missionaries, Presiding Bishop share perspectives, together with a later report by Matthew Davies Primates convene; Windsor response leads agenda.

Elizabeth A Kennedy of Associated Press has filed Episcopal leader’s gay views won’t waver.

The Anglican Church of Canada has Anglican Primates begin meeting in Dar es Salaam by Paul Feheley.

Katie Nguyen of Reuters sent Anglican summit scrutinises U.S. stance on gay clergy.

Colin Coward of Changing Attitude has Report from the Primates meeting – Day 3.

Scott Gunn has Photos! and News of the day? Not so much.

Kendall Harmon has written an article about why The Episcopal Church has Failed to Respond Adequately to the Calls of Windsor.

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Marshall Scott
18 years ago

Kendall Harmon is a gentleman and a scholar, both designations that I value. His opinion is duly noted. Some things in his article I disagree with; and on some I disagree on the import he gives. For example, the Windsor Report calls for expression of regret for “breaching the bonds of affection.” That might not be sufficiently specific for many, including Dr. Harmon; but it is the language of Windsor. The language of Resolution 2006-A161 not only expresses “regret for straining the bonds of affection,” the specific Windsor language, but also offers “sincerest apology” and asks “forgiveness as we seek… Read more »

Marshall Scott
18 years ago

And having written my last post, I have just received from ACNS the Report of the Communion Sub-Group regarding the response of General Convention to the Windsor Report. Now, that is an opinion that is critical.

18 years ago

To an issue that continues to interest me…whether or not the primates will be added to the ACC ex-officio? How many? Who will determine who shall be added? Will a 2/3 ratification by the primates be necessary to accomplish this? What exactly is being proposed here and how will such a change affect the ACC as a “legislative” (and I use the term loosely), body? Will they have full voting privileges? Will there be 6? How does this relate to resolutions made at Dromantine? Thank you?

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

“Kendall Harmon is a gentleman and a scholar…”

Sorry to weigh in (with my 1300 years of tradition) but No, no one who relies on Robert Gagnon is a scholar and no one who permits the sort of thing that goes at Titusonline is a gentleman.

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