Thinking Anglicans

primates meeting: a selection from the blogs

Earlier, Andrew Brown had written I’m glad I’m not the Holy Ghost. Julie Pain produced this illustration to match.

Matt Kennedy on Stand Firm has written Response to and Refutation of the Wholly Inadequate Communion Sub-Group Report.

Anglican Centrist wrote Anglican Centrist – Evening Analysis Revised.

Kendall Harmon responded to this as follows:

The reason why the report makes schism more likely is because the report is not true and there is no real reconciliation and communion without truth. Heaven knows I don’t want schism, but now the atmosphere is even more clouded going into tomorrow because people did not do their homework. It is not the first time in Anglican history that a poor report has been given and it will not be the last. This situation is still redeemable, but the brink, is, alas, closer. One still watches, hopes and prays–KSH.

And Kendall also asked another question here.

Over at Global South Anglican Terry Wong also has some links, and adds his own comments too.

Jim Naughton has his analysis here.

Dan Martins has A Glass Half Full.

Mark Harris thinks that Dan Martins & Kendall Harmon give us reason to be vigilant.

GetReligion has this analysis.

And here is some background to the new Episcopal church blog, EpiScope.

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18 years ago

Kendall Harmon wrote “The reason why the report makes schism more likely is because the report is not true and there is no real reconciliation and communion without truth.” I’d have to agree that, from his point of view, schism is more likely. The thing is, I don’t think he ever considered that the Anglican Communion throwing out TEC, which he advocated, is itself schism. I suspect he’s telegraphing that the Global South, or some of the GS or maybe just Nigeria, will walk out of the Communion over this issue. If people decide to “walk apart” then that is… Read more »

18 years ago

Here is what I hope PB KJS does when she returns to the USA from this nonsense in Africa: 1. Declare the Dioceses of Pittsburgh, Forth Worth, Dallas, and San Joaquin vacant and appoint missionary bishops to help the faithful Episcopalians “behind enemy lines” move forward. 2. Begin presentments against Duncan, Iker, Stanton, and Schoffield. These people have abandoned the communion of the church and are in violation of their ordination vows. 3. Issue a public statement saying that TEC will stand behind all faithful Episcopalians and will legally and financially assist in assuring that EC property remains within TEC.… Read more »

18 years ago

ruidh – remember it is TEC’s decision and action in 2003 which Windsor describes as “walking apart” unless TEC accepts ALL the Windsor recommendations.

Some liberals see that the Windsor noose is being tightened around their necks all the time.

18 years ago

Kendall Harmon thinks there is no truth because he has moved the bar. From comments I read on Stand Firm: the bar has been changed from “do not consecrate gay bishops” to “do not ordain gay priests or nominate gay bishops”, and from “no bishop or diocese can develop a public rite of same sex blessings” to “no one can respond to the pastoral needs of gay couples in the life of their parish by blessing their relationship” (which is happening in many other Anglican churches in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, England, Ireland and Scotland) and that while the… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
18 years ago

Is it such a surprise that Stand Firm doesn’t like this? I mean, the report did not recommend the public flogging of the “rebels” by the “orthodox”. Anything that falls short of a mandated grovelling public apology from TEC will not be acceptable to these people. This is because sin is breaking the Law, and the Law is clearly spelled out, and that’s a good thing, because we need to know what’s Right and Wrong, and to tell everybody else on the planet what’s Right and Wrong because God is on our side. TEC is daring to suggest, not only… Read more »

Neil Barber
Neil Barber
18 years ago

Pete, bit premature to be speaking thus. Also, totally unChristian.

I trust you will expect the PB to be treated with just the same level of mercy and graciousness should the direction of the wind change?…

H. E. Baber
H. E. Baber
18 years ago

Here’s what I WISH would happen. The Anglican Church will split, cleanly. No elaborate arrangements involving first and second class status, flying bishops, or complicated administrative arrangements. In the US, real and other property will be split–conservatives will get their buildings, liberals will get theirs and, after a minor population exchange everyone will have a church with which he’s more or less satisfied, with a nice building. Then the liberal Episcopal Church, representing perhaps 85% of the current total, to which I would return if I ever return to the Church, will be able to promote whatever political or moral… Read more »

David H.
David H.
18 years ago


Oh do I wish you were right! (esp. about incl. +Dallas in this – he’s fully as harmful as the others, but just not as “in your face” as they are). But I’m afraid I can’t hold my breath for that, and more’s the pity… 🙁

18 years ago

The “Glass Half Full” analysis is brilliant. It gives me pause, and a greater appreciation for the subtleties of what is actually going on, as well as for the reasons why the GS may be hanging pat with the hand they’ve been dealt for the time being. On the other hand, TEC may end up grumpily realizing that the cards it is holding are not nearly as good as, at first glance, may have been assumed. And, overall, I’m a good deal more appreciative of the nature of the slowly tightening web of AC documentation and decisions that is building… Read more »

John R. Robison
18 years ago

I am so glad we have Kendall Harmon to spin … I mean “explain” the report for us.
When the danger of recociliation reared it’s head we have good ol’ Kendall to spin us right back into the mealstrom of scism and hate.

18 years ago

After watching this Anglican TV Video News Conference, my heart broke for the Anglican Communion. This is pathetic. The setting; the men with open shirts, no collars; the very un-dignifying setting, the entire set-up; the sub-standard responses to equally sub-standard questions – all this point to the State -of-the-Communion. One of the only few questions worth reporting is the question from a local (Tanzanian) lady who asked what do “we” take to the Anglican parishes as the substantive outcome of all this. Shame on those called to feed and shepherd the flock who are now operating more like some third-rate… Read more »

18 years ago

An interesting point coming through is that there is some continuing residual restraint on TEC; but it may well be temporary and there won’t be another Windsor. So it is from Windsor to the Covenant, and why the Covenant will be pitched around Windsor (surely – but let’ see). However, the Covenant if it continues Windsor will require a pause to the incursions across boundaries as much as to TEC and who it ordains. Trouble is, look at the responses around various websites and blogs, and some Conservatives will be looking for a new home as individuals and maybe parishes… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
18 years ago

H. E. Baber,
That is precisely the route we should not take. Without the opposing pull of the “other”, each side will drift off into the extremes of its own position. Thither lies gross error. We need each other to maintain the mean. This painful process is inevitable, but better than going obsessing in our own little doctrinal corners making our own particular issues into dogma, as though God cared about them as much as we do.

Leonardo Ricardo
Leonardo Ricardo
18 years ago

“When the danger of recociliation reared it’s head we have good ol’ Kendall to spin us right back into the mealstrom of scism and hate.”

John R. Robison

Exactly. Yesterday at Standing Firm I posted a note about REJOICING so we could ALL learn how to love oneanother…we’d been given another chance!

They are still roaring with self-righteous, “throw them to the lions” type hate!

I think it’s funny now, before I was shocked at the level of self-deception it took to be a puritan that loves GOD and respects his/her Commandments!

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