Thinking Anglicans

PB webcast

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori conducted a live webcast this morning. You can view a recording of this at varying levels of video quality or in audio only, here.

A transcript of the first part of the broadcast is here.

An ENS news report on this: Presiding Bishop engages in a live ‘Conversation with the Church.

There is also Presiding Bishop’s webcast gets reviews from participants, viewers

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Richard Lyon
Richard Lyon
17 years ago

I think that the PB was very impressive in the use of her communication skills. However, it would appear that she has hitched her wagon to Rowan Williams star and is attempting to peddle his package to TEC. I don’t think it is going to fly.

Martin Reynolds
17 years ago

It was a careful presentation from Jefferts Schori. However it left me wondering just how many American bishops have actually been attending Lambeth Conferences over the past few decades, yet alone been full participants in a host of Communion “adventures” over that time. I am also sure that Frank Griswold and his predecessors from 1978 have been at Primates Group. We hear from this thoughtful bishop how the polity of TEC differs from many other Anglican churches in that all the baptised have equal dignity at General Convention etc etc and this is true to some degree. But it does… Read more »

Caelius Spinator
Caelius Spinator
17 years ago

This 1982 series of lectures suggests the developments we see now were detectable by observers as early as Lambeth 1978.

John D
John D
17 years ago


My bishop(retired) returned to the US from Lambeth 98 profoundly discouraged that most of the bishops he met could barely identify any Anglican theological priciple. He predicted the disaster we now face,publically and openly. I believe +Griswold and company in the HofB have been sorely remiss in proclaiming the witness of TEC, and that they are, at best, co-dependent enablers of the powers to which you refer. And, yes, this pew-warmer is livid.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
17 years ago

The idea that the Elizabethan settlement was a comprehensive one, is totally false. It was a Protestant one imposed by brutal force. The Catholic martyrs are witness to this and a faithful nucleus continued in their Fathers and Mothers Faith.

Whilst I disagree with her theological liberalism, I was impressed by the Presiding Bishop’s performance. Bishop kathaine is obviously a person who would succeed in any walk of life she took up. She will prove TEC’s greatest asset, and Dar es Salaaam was certainly not her ” Munich”.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
17 years ago

And then the Quakers suffered repression come the seventeenth century.

The name of the ‘ Meeting for Sufferings ‘ speaks for itself.

Etheldreda Ely
17 years ago

I too was impressed at her performance. Whatever one’s opinions it is good to hear a clear, thought out, position from the Episcopal Church being well presented. It helps prevent the troubles of the Anglican Communion from descending into unpleasant invective.

17 years ago

Re. Richard Lyon’s observation that it would appear that the presiding bishop “has hitched her wagon to Rowan Williams star and is attempting to peddle his package to TEC. I don’t think it is going to fly”, I think, Mr Lyon, that if the Episcopal Church, let alone the Anglican Communion, is to hold together at this point, a very serious attempt will have to be made to make it fly. There is a great deal of “divided” thinking in many “non-Windsor” American dioceses. For instance, in January of this year, the executive council of the diocese of Upper South… Read more »

Richard Lyon
Richard Lyon
17 years ago


I personally see no compelling reason why the Anglican Communion must hold together at all cost. I certainly think that TEC needs to maintain relationships with other parts of the world. However, the AC is not the only way to do that.

Martin Reynolds
17 years ago

Lapinbizarre gives the clearest rational for what drives the Presiding bishop’s present approach. It is the highly successful “Windsor Bishop” strategy and it is no small thing that the two letters from their meetings constitute the appendix to the Dar es Salaam Communiqué.

Richard Lyon mistakes the “compelling reason” – it is not the cohesion of the Anglican Communion which drives the PB it is the potential fragmentation of her own church – not that threatened by Duncan and Co – but by the “Windsor bishops”.

17 years ago

Richard – I did not say and I do not believe that the Anglican Communion “must hold together at all cost”. The ideological splits within the communion are too deep and and are currently being too determinedly manipulated, for them to be healed at this time, or even for them to be effectively papered-over. My personal disgust with the recent manipulations by and of Akinola and his side-kicks leads me to regard a split within the communion with a great deal of favour, if only because I see no other solution, short of the marginalization and humiliation of ECUSA. I… Read more »

Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

I think what should be allowed to fly is a theology that encourages everyone to live reverential lives. Lives in which their homes are filled with respect and trust because the members can freely interact with each other free of abuse and intimidation. That theology rippling out into creating church communities that care for the least as well as the best. Which in turn ripples out to how people are treated in the marketplace, workplaces, and other public arenas. Which then ripples out into how nations work harmoniously for their own benefit and taking care to not incur debts or… Read more »

17 years ago

The motif of Lent is walking with Jesus as the powers that be falsely accuse and eventually crucify him in the names of both the state and the temple. Our names, then. But we are not reducible to what either the state or the temple defines us solely to be. That is at least what the resurrection tells us, all. So I am in favor of letting the powers that be play this out, all players included. However that goes, then, the rest of us can adjust, because after all we have already been adjusting, haven’t we? Maybe the best… Read more »

17 years ago

drdanfee – I am sure Mother Theresa would have had some wise words for you and they would have been in line with scripture, tradition and the Spirit

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

Mind reading again…

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