Thinking Anglicans

two more documents from the Americans

The American bishops issued A Message to God’s People…from the Bishops of the Episcopal Church.

And here is the Presiding Bishop’s homily at House of Bishops’ closing Eucharist.

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17 years ago

Well, it is rather sad to think of saying g’bye to the great Church of England. I’m trying to get used to the idea. Someone told me last week that the American bishops wouldn’t let the brits go because the Americans are mindless anglophilliacs too attached to British sensibilities. It might be true. I love the English roots and intellectual traditions that the Episcopal church still has. We even have tea after church on Sundays. Americans don’t traditionally do that. We do still have Harry Potter to maintain the look and feel of the English, I suppose. Other than that,… Read more »

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
17 years ago

Yes, lets hang together Curtis.

I definitely want APO from the wonderful Katharine too! Thanks for the offer !

Meanwhile –keep drinking the tea .
do you / they dunk biscuits too ?

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

From ++Katharine’s homily at the Camp Allen closing Eucharist: “There are some kinds of fish and other aquatic animals that actually have bipartite eyes – they see at the same time both above and below the surface of the water, and their brains figure out how to interpret those quite different images and make a coherent whole. As a body, we are wrestling with a collection of images – perhaps even more like the eye of a social insect, with multiple facets – but most of us assume that the image we form most easily is the only right and… Read more »

17 years ago

I suspect it’s a tad premature to be writing of saying goodbye to the CofE. I somehow can’t see Canterbury breaking communion (How would it be done, for starters? It would never get through Synod). I suspect it could only happen if TEC broke off communion – and how likely is that?

As I read it, the bishops of TEC have called the primates’ bluff, and I don’t somehow think that force majeure from the GS primates will achieve a lot. The situation is very interesting, but we’re a long way from the endgame.

17 years ago

Don’t worry, the bonds of affection between the British and the English are too strong to be broken by an Archbishop of Canterbury who is too busy to visit you unless you pass a unanimous resolution and offer to pay his fares.

In fact, the bonds of affection between our respective Anglican Churches are even stronger than those between our two nations.

Hang it, even the Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford is an American! And a Canon of Christ Church Cathedral. And a woman. Now THAT wouldn’t happen in Abuja…

See what I mean?

17 years ago

Oops! Between the British and the North Americans I meant, of course!

17 years ago

Curtis ; I think the Episcopal Church have done the right thing.

Williams comes out of this so badly, as ever – he really has no courage, no principles, no backbone.

he is an abject failure as Archbishop.

17 years ago

It is truly ironic (and deeply wonderful) that actions of our House of Bishops and your Houses of Parliament have come almost on the same date.

Now if we could just do something with our president and your ++ABC.

And we do occasionally dunk our biscuits (“cookies”) in tea, but more often coffee.

17 years ago

I know that in my church many of us value our connection with the Church of England; several of us have visited England, we’ve had English priests come and celebrate at our Eucharist, on occasion we’ve even prayed for “the Queen”–no need of a qualifier, we all know who’s meant, we discuss the “Vicar of Dibly,” the “Two Fat Ladies,” etc. I hope the feelings overall are also in the Church of England towards TEC are positive, and strong enough to see us all through this present situtation.

Leonardo Ricardo
17 years ago

Yes, a duet, The House of Lords vote and the House of Bishops Grand Slam…bravo! btw, my Mom and Yorkshireman Dad would have “dunked” me if I had dunked ANYTHING at the dining room table or out in the Parish Hall…but, our families Yorkshire Pudding lives on and is lustfully admired by all who visit (along with a wonderful roastbeef)…my Grandmum always said, “it’s the Yorkshire pan that makes it good!”

God save the Queen and the LGBT Queens and by-all-means it’s time to say adios to Bush and like minded cross burning, noisy thugs both here and “over-there!”

17 years ago

request alternative primatial oversight from the American bishops…

What a good idea, if necessary. I doubt it will be: it won’t be pushed out and, remember, the Synod of the C of E did a little (just a little) shifting of its own a short while ago.

The tectonic plates are shifting, and this House of Bishops’ statement is quite a movement of the magma underneath.

17 years ago

Great homily. Wish passages from the bible were also used as is common in these parts.

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

Squiddy’s most Gospel based homily is here, Tunde. With a photograph!

Read it for yourself. Slowly.

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