Thinking Anglicans

Primates meet today

Update (added by Simon Kershaw)
BBC Radio 4’s Today programme broadcast this interview (Real Audio required) with the Archbishop of Cape Town, Giles Fraser, and Andrew Carey.
Further update
Later in the morning, the BBC published this news report, and this survey Q&A: Anglican gay summit. And, this head to head with Philip Giddings versus Gareth Williams of St Michael’s College, Llandaff.

The British press this morning is remarkably united in its views on this.

Stephen Bates reports in the Guardian, Church in need of a saviour.
The Guardian also has a leader, A church divided.

Ruth Gledhill in The Times has Anglicans should love gays as Jesus would, African primate says about what Njongonkulu Ndungane says.
The Times also has an opinion column by Mary Ann Sieghart, Certainty is so unnerving and another one by Magnus Linklater, Thank God for Henry VIII: Anglican doubt is better than Catholic hypocrisy.

The Independent has an analysis by Paul Vallely, Talk of schism is rife as bishops debate homosexuality which states the five point plan as follows:


The anti-gay faction, thought to constitute a majority, have drawn up a five-stage plan to put to the primates. It will demand the meeting:

1 reaffirms the ban on gay priests made by the Lambeth Conference in 1998

2 rules that the United States church with its gay bishop, and a Canadian disocese with same-sex blessings, have breached this

3 gives a formal warning to these two

4 asks them to repent

5 If they do not, expels them from the Anglican Communion.

The Financial Times has Gay schism threatens Lambeth summit.

The Telegraph deals with what turns out to be a quite different story, Terrorists can have serious moral goals, says Williams.

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21 years ago

Hi – thanks for the comprehensive selection of links. I’ve directed one or two readers your way…

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