Thinking Anglicans

ACI disassociates itself from Grace Church

The Anglican Communion Institute has issued a statement, Announcement Concerning the Anglican Communion Institute via Stand Firm and titusonenine which can be read in full here, or alternatively here, and which concludes:

…In consequence of the legal and ecclesiastical struggles Grace Church and Fr Armstrong are now engaged with, we judge it proper to dissolve our relationship with the web-site and all activities of Grace Church (CANA or TEC), so that the charges of the Presentment and other matters of public trust and ecclesial jurisdiction might be resolved without interference.

We will continue to work on matters related to the Anglican Communion in the same way as previously.

Christopher Seitz, President
Philip Turner, Vice-President
Ephraim Radner, Senior Fellow

Understandably, this statement has not yet appeared on the ACI website operated on behalf of the ACI from Colorado Springs. There are some further comments of interest on titusonenine.

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17 years ago

Rats flee sinking ship.

17 years ago

Another “what the Hell is going on?” moment, reported in the Colorado Springs Gazette’s coverage of Armstrong’s Grace Church question and answer session this morning:

“The vote, according to Armstrong, will determine who gets the church building …….. If congregants loyal to the Episcopal Church win the vote, Armstrong hinted that a vestry member — whose Nebraska bank loaned the church nearly $2.5 million — might call the loan. “

Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown
17 years ago

It is inspiring to see how many of the commentators on titusonenine realised at once that these developments prove the vile iniquity of the liberals. What does shock me, a little, is that the broad outline of the charges against Don Armstrong — that he stole around half a million dollars from the diocese and/or his parishioners, and withheld about the same amount in taxes — must have been knowable to interested parties for some months. If the ACI people had wanted to find out what Armstrong was supposed to have done, they could have done. Nothing that I have… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

So the grandly named Anglican Communion Institute didn’t exist after all? it was just some over-exalted people on a trumped-up phone-list.

Not a trade mark, not a brand, not even a label; just a cover up for various goings on – different goings on in different places.


17 years ago

The Colorado Springs Gazette link posted by me above and by daibhead on another page, no longer works. The report can be accessed at

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

How on earth did a “Senior Fellow” of a non-entity end up on the ABC’s Covenant drafting committée?

17 years ago

It must have substance if the previous Archbishop of Canterbury is the figurehead of this ecclesiologically and doctrinal project. They have been at pains to point out false doctrine, sexual immorality and fallen standards in TEC and elsewhere.

They should not have panicked liked this, but hung on for the exoneration of their friend and colleague.

Innocent until shown to be otherwise.

So that’s Armstrong, TEC and Nigeria to be given the benefit of the doubt pro tem …

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
17 years ago

“How on earth did a “Senior Fellow” of a non-entity end up on the ABC’s Covenant drafting committée?”

Possibly this is one of several questions the ABC will not have to answer by not meeting with TEC. I hope someone in Canada asks him – on the record.

David H.
17 years ago

Göran wrote, “So the grandly named Anglican Communion Institute didn’t exist after all? it was just some over-exalted people on a trumped-up phone-list.”

Heh. So, as it happens, I’m part of a church organization that includes a steering committee and editorial board of about 6-8 people. And we *also* have a website.

I’m going to immediately petition the steering committee to add “Institute” to our name and to change my job title from “webmaster” to “Senior Fellow.”

Oooo… impressive! 😉

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