Thinking Anglicans

Who has not been invited to Lambeth?

We list below reports on who has not been invited. From these it appears that they include Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire and the bishops from CANA (Martyn Minns) and AMiA. Bishop Robinson may be invited as a guest.

Robert Barr (Associated Press) in The Washington Post 2 Bishops Not Invited to Anglican Parley [This article has been published on many other sites but this appears to be the earliest.]
Update that Washington Post page now contains a later AP story by Rachel Zoll Gay Bishop Kept Out of Anglican Meeting. The earlier Robert Barr story can be found here.

Reuters Luke Baker Gay bishop snubbed by Anglican conference
Ruth Gledhill in The Times Gay bishop not invited to Lambeth conference
Natalie Paris and agencies in The Telegraph Gay bishop’s church conference snub
BBC Gay row US Anglicans miss summit

Bishop Robinson has responded to his non-invitation here.

The Living Church has more detail on other exclusions at No Lambeth Invitation for Bishop Robinson by George Conger.

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Davis d'Ambly
Davis d'Ambly
17 years ago

Funny, but Gledhill, whilst crowing about Robinson being uninvited, doesn’t mention the others who’ve been ignored as well – not even asked to come along as visitors…

17 years ago
17 years ago

Let us not forget Ruth’s incorrect statement from last week that all bishops were about to be invited. Her intelligence looks faulty.

Robert Leduc
Robert Leduc
17 years ago

“…not even asked to come along as visitors…”

Indeed. And the reason given – CANA is not part of the Anglican Communion, just like AMiA. Note the contrast with the ‘duly elected’ Gene Robinson. This reiterates the earlier statement that CANA is a body with relationship to one member church of the Communion.

Viriato da Silva
Viriato da Silva
17 years ago

“Let us not forget Ruth’s incorrect statement from last week that all bishops were about to be invited. Her intelligence looks faulty.”

Ruth Gledhill lacking in intelligence?! 😉 Say it ain’t so.

And here I had thought it was only her objectivity that was lacking!

17 years ago

Re-reading Mizz Ruthie’s Tuesday blog, I followed a link, previously overlooked, to the Anglican Mission in North America. AMIA is in the same boat as CANA as to Lambeth invites. These are the folks who the diocese of South Carolina (of all institutions) is suing over ownership of All Saints, Pawleys Island. From the list of bishops on the AMIA website: “middle-age-man-dressup” is big down in Pawleys Island. Six bishops, yet! “Bishops in their shovel hats were plentiful as tabby cats”. No indication of the number, if any, of priests in addition to bishops, but could be that the… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

In his accompanying letter, the AB of Canterbury noted that Lambeth would not be “a formal Synod or Council of the bishops of the Communion,” nor does attending the conference commit a bishop to accept “the position of others as necessarily a legitimate expression of Anglican doctrine and discipline, or to any action that would compromise your conscience or the integrity of your local church.” (The Living Church) Back to a non decision-making Lambeth! But then the whole idea of a “non-invite” or “dis-invite” falls on its head… If the Lambeth Conference does not make decisions for a church-organization, no… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

Of course, my first “Primate” should read “Bishop” – but then bishops are primates too ;=)

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