Thinking Anglicans

Central Florida's protocol

The Diocese of Central Florida published A Protocol for Those Desiring to Disaffiliate From The Episcopal Church.

Bishop John Howe wrote this letter to his clergy.

Episcopal News Service published this report, CENTRAL FLORIDA: Leadership outlines ‘disaffiliation protocol’.

The diocesan convention meets in late January and will be asked to approve the constitutional change [PDF file] which adds wording relating to the Anglican Communion but does not remove the wording relating to The Episcopal Church.

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17 years ago

Bishop Howe indicates that some members voted against and that one abstained. I would be curious to know which “side” or “sides” these represented and what their objections were. Were the objectors those who felt that this restricted them in choosing to leave the Episcopal Church and take the property with them by right, or were they those who felt that it was wrongheaded to have a process which appears to allow bodies to disaffiliate. In fact, this strikes me as a very sound approach. It affirms without compromise the integrity of the Episcopal Church while providing a potential gesture… Read more »

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