Thinking Anglicans

Sunday comments

Will Hutton in The Observer Rebel bishops threaten the very heart of our liberal traditions

Anglicanism is a liberal tradition central to the very conception of Englishness, but it finds itself under mounting threat. Last Sunday around 300 Anglican bishops, largely from Nigeria, Uganda and Australia, but including at least one from England, issued the Jerusalem Declaration. They no longer accepted that the Archbishop of Canterbury led the Anglican Church.

Giles Fraser in The Independent on Sunday Enough is enough. The extremists must be confronted

Rowan Williams has been too compliant in the face of the Church’s conservatives and homophobes

Jane Hedges in the Telegraph Women bishops shouldn’t scare the Synod

“Church in crisis over women priests.” This is the kind of headline that was appearing in the press 30 years ago when the general synod of the Church of England began to debate the ordination of women.

Damian Thompson in the Telegraph Bishops plan conversion to Rome

The Sunday Telegraph carries the news that senior Church of England bishops have met the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to discuss the apocalyptic crisis in Anglicanism and the prospect of converting to Roman Catholicism.

I’m glad that Jonathan Wynne-Jones has respected the anonymity of the bishops in question. We at the Catholic Herald have known for some time about these historic negotiations. I pray that they succeed.

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