Thinking Anglicans

opinions before Lambeth

Gene Robinson writes in the Guardian about The God I know is alive and active in the church, not locked up in scripture.

In The Times Muhammad Abdul Bari writes that British Muslims plan a summer vision.

Christopher Howse writes about a forthcoming TV documentary in Koranic verses on the duty to kill.

Alan Wilson wrote about Church of Navel-Gazers?

‘Facebook Generation’ Faces Identity Crisis, according to Medical News Today (hat tip Mark Vernon).

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Erika Baker
Erika Baker
16 years ago

Gene Robinson is just so inspiring! I can’t wait to hear him in Putney tomorrow.

If you haven’t yet pickied up the links to his blog and video diary of his visit to England:

Simon Dawson
Simon Dawson
16 years ago

Ref the “Facebook Identity Crisis” article. I am glad this discussion is slowly getting more and more prominence. It is more of a psychological than a spiritual/religious topic, but still relevant here. There is a broad overlap. I was first aware of the seriousness of the problem after reading a book – Remotely Controlled by Aric Sigman ( It quotes a lot of scary research about how TV and computer use alters brain development in children. Basically they need to be exposed to “normal” human interactions to develop, and learn how to operate in society, but they are deprived… Read more »

16 years ago

Well VGR is no more perfect than any other bishop or archbishop, living or dead – including the high likes of self-proclaimed rightly-alined role models like Jensen of Sydney, Akinola of Nigeria, Duncan of Pittsburgh, Schofield of the virtual Southern Cone that does not canonically exist yet but is said to be appearing soon on canonical reality screens just as soon as canons catch up with Schofield, and well the list of palpably imperfect exemplars is long. Jensen and/or Akinola and/or Duncan and/or Schofield and/or Iker and/or Mark Lawrence and/or Orombi and/or Nazir-Ali and/or Venebles and/or Gomez – allegedly being… Read more »

Sam R
Sam R
16 years ago

The article on Bishop Wilson’s blog seems to be accepted by both sides of the debate, yet in says that +Gene is ‘publicity-seeking’ and that he considers being gay to be the most important thing. This is poisonous nonsense. +Gene wishes to preach the love of God for all of us through Christ Jesus. he is being obstructed in so doing by those who discriminate against him because of his sexuality. And so he gets drawn into constantly speaking and writing on the gay issue. His article in the Guardian shows what he is all about – preaching the word… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

What is so intriguing about this whole issue of homsexuals in the Church is that they have always been there – albeit, not usually drawing attention to their difference but quietly getting on with the propagation of the Gospel. What Bishop Gene has done that is different, in answering the calle of God and his diocese to become the bishop of New Hampshire, is to share the truth about his true sexual nature, and is willing to express the fact that he believes that this is no impediment to serving God and the Church as a clergyman. Is not this… Read more »

Spirit of Vatican II
Spirit of Vatican II
16 years ago

Rather dotty reply of Bishop Alan Wilson to a woman who wrote him a long critical letter. He accused her of Pelagianism! Surely this is the most facile of theological smears.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

What is so intriguing about this whole issue of homsexuals in the Church is that they have always been there – albeit, not usually drawing attention to their difference but quietly getting on with the propagation of the Gospel. What Bishop Gene has done that is different, in answering the calle of God and his diocese to become the bishop of New Hampshire, is to share the truth about his true sexual nature, and is willing to express the fact that he believes that this is no impediment to serving God and the Church as a clergyman. Is not this… Read more »

16 years ago

Not only Pelagianism, Vatican II, but also Gnosticism (of all things) a little further down. Sometimes, and with increasing frequency, I despair of our bishops.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

While I don’t believe that what I am about to say applies to +Robinson, for whom I am developing more admiration daily, I’d like to address the following two points: “Is not this willingness to ‘run the gauntlet’ of institutional opposition a point in his favour” Not necessarily. This can sometimes be self-aggrandizement. Being a victim fighting against one’s oppressors is practically the only kind of human being validated by society. Notice how everybody is rushing to declare themselves part of some group or other that is “demanding their rights” or “oppressed” and fighting that. It isn’t just gay people,… Read more »

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
16 years ago

The article on Bishop Wilson’s blog comes from the Daily Mail, a conservative, tabloidy paper that is suspicious of everyone who isn’t male, English, white, middle class, straight and votes Conservative.
Their assessment of Gene Robinson is quite benign in the circumstances.

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
16 years ago

“I don’t have much time for the idea that expressing every idea or belief is a good thing”

I agree, it is often safer and more polite not to express certain political or other ideas.

But I’m not sure it should apply to having to hide, not what you believe but who you are.
There can be real family peace and togetherness if I do not talk about my faith to rabid atheists.
But there can be no genuine family togetherness if I have to pretend to be a completely different person from the one I am.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“I’m not sure it should apply to having to hide”

I agree. I was speaking more generally. And it is not an all or nothing thing either. Pretending your “friend” is nothing more than that is a lot more of a problem than pretending you absolutely love Aunt Mabel’s hideous flower print dress, or her obnoxious husband for that matter.

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