Thinking Anglicans

advice to the Lambeth Conference

Two items that fall into this category:

Martin Beckford reports Archbishop Desmond Tutu warns Anglican leaders not to abandon tradition of tolerance

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has warned Anglican leaders not to abandon the church’s tradition of tolerance ahead of a critical conference which is set to be dominated by divisions over homosexuality and women bishops.

Ephraim Radner has written, at Covenant an Open Letter to the Lambeth Bishops. This is also available at Fulcrum, see here.

…I write to urge you to prayerful action in the face of widespread concerns that the upcoming Lambeth Conference will prove not only wholly irrelevant to the needs of our common life, but perhaps also the last such conference that our Communion will engage. Yet, in large measure, God has placed these matters in your hands. Although I am not privy to the planning, the intentions, and the ordering of the Conference, there are clear signs that the Conference runs the risk of failing to face and respond faithfully to the needs of God’s people within our Communion and her churches…

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Martin Reynolds
16 years ago

“But if this prayerful reflection does not, in this time, give rise to a common resolution regarding the responsibilities of your own pastoral office and the ordering of our common life, such devoted intentions will have been wasted, perhaps culpably so.” I have read all I can of Dr Radner, he has something of the angels about him. This has meant having to side-step a bitter contempt for his own Church and writings too often full of their own self-importance and an arrogance not always born of a superior intellect. He (and his friends) have a lecturing, sometimes overbearing tone,… Read more »

Davis d'Ambly
Davis d'Ambly
16 years ago

What + Durham seems to be asking for and +Tutu might be alluding to is a generous tolerance which would allow for a broad range of approaches without demonising others.

I’ve been chastised for this approach as having the “Rodney King” method of all “just getting along”. But I cannot for the life of me think of a different way that is respectful of our common life in Christ.

16 years ago

My personal opinion is that it’s vital for all Anglicans – of all stripes – to keep their nerve. Rowan Williams, John Sentamu, Desmond Tutu: no other Christian denomination can boast leaders of such titanic stature.

16 years ago

When understood in the context of Giles Fraser’s and others triumphalism re women bishops and throwing out any acceptable plans to ‘live together’ with opponents I think Tutu delivers the perfect rebuke. Mean, ungenerous, closed mind…who does this refer to now Fr. Fraser?! The evos tried to unchurch everybody since the mid 1990s when they saw an opportunity re the gay issue. The liberals have now tried (and temporarily succeeded) likewise to redefine the Church in their own image. But neither approach will win long term. Who are the most inclusive in temrs of being tolerant and generous to their… Read more »

16 years ago

‘comprehensive meaning that it is a church that includes all kinds of points of view. ‘

Pluaristic Desmond has been one of the earliest problem concerning the inclusivity of homosexuals to the Anglican Com.

i recall in 1995 Tutu made this remark:

“Let us be inclusive comminities welcoming and embracing, refusing to exclude people on basis of culture, ethnicity, faith, gender or sexual orientation.”

Welcome, Desmond they are included this day…

and the AC is reaping the fruits of your inclusive approach.

16 years ago

Did you really mean’Titanic’ ?

16 years ago

Well, I wondered after I wrote it. But ‘titanic’ can be used as = ‘indescribably great’.

16 years ago

Davis d’Ambly,

I absolutely agree with you. It used to be called ‘live and let live’. It’s messy, it involves messy compromises, but ultimately it’s the only possible way to play it. Liberal myself, I wish Liberal Christianity in general showed more love for other sorts of Christian.

16 years ago

I know john ! Forgive my tongue-in-cheeknesss ! And the point you make is telling.

We have had some good uns in the past too — where to start — Newman, John V Taylor, Dorothy Kerin, Michael Ramsey, HA Williams, Fr Joe, Fr Andrew SDC, Robert Gofton-Salmond CSWG, Monica Furlong etc …

Martin Reynolds
16 years ago

Fr Harrry williams CR, Gonville ffrench Beytagh – +Colin Winter Damaraland-in-exile, Fr Geoffrey (Gerrard) Beaumont etc etc

We aught to ask Simon Sarmiento if we can have a post just to tell of the wonderful stories – wonderful to remember!!!

May they RIP

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