Thinking Anglicans

Lambeth: other news reports from Tuesday

(This article has been delayed, sorry.)

More4News, the programme produced by the Channel 4 News team for the More4 digital channel, had a report Tuesday evening on the Lambeth Conference, and the Bishop of New Hampshire. You can watch the report by going here.

Anglican Journal has Lambeth Conference will deal with ‘breakdown of trust’ by Marites Sison concerning the Windsor Continuation Group.

And also, Zimbabwe talks provide ‘a little hope’, says bishop.

The full text of the presentation by Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples in the Roman Catholic Church, can be read on ACNS at The church needs apologists, not apologisers, Cardinal Dias says.

ACNS had two articles relating to the presentation by Brian McLaren on Monday evening. See Evangelist praises passion of bishops and A chat with Brian McLaren.

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16 years ago

“[Windsor Continuation Group (WCG)] cited that in the U.S., departures have included individuals…”

Yes. Not that many—hardly enough to cause a “turmoil”—but still sad. Faithful Episcopalians pray for reconciliation with our departed/departing brethren, on mutually-agreeable terms.

“…congregations, and dioceses.”


That canard AGAIN???


Repeat after me: “In Anglican polity, ***individuals*** may leave, congregations (i.e. parishes) and dioceses may NOT”.

No parishes have left (though some parish properties are currently unlawfully occupied), no dioceses have left—or will leave.

This framing of “departures” and “turmoil” in TEC, simply do NOT reflect Reality.

Lord have mercy!

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