Thinking Anglicans

Lambeth: Thursday press conference

Updated Friday morning

Today the press conference on sexuality occurred. Jim Naughton has captured the event well in Live: talking sex successfully, and see also his earlier, Live: talking sex.

Listen to the press conference here.

Anglican Journal Marites Sison No consensus yet on sexuality, but bishops make ‘significant step forward’

ENS Mary Frances Schjonberg Sexuality discussions bring Lambeth bishops to frank conversation and videos of both the presentations are also available, Archbishop Ian Ernest here, and Bishop Colin Johnson here.

Sorry, it has been pointed out to me that these videos do not have individual Permalinks, you have to locate them from here, by date. The date for these two items is 07/31/08.

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16 years ago

O joy, o rapture unforeseen!

Who were these (male) bishops who held hands? I think we should be told.

16 years ago

“…then we held hands.”

Boy, I feel better already.

Spirit of Vatican II
16 years ago

Delighted to see that Rowan Williams’s elaborate techniques have succeeded so well. What was the occasion of disedifying outbursts in 1998 has been one of constructive communion in 2008. At last Anglican bishops are learning to conduct their discussions in a civilized and Christian way. Cardinal Kasper’s speech confirms that such discussion has not even begun in the RCC. I hope the Vatican will take up the indaba idea.

16 years ago

Celebrations may yet be premature, though we must hope not. Still, delighted, as ever, to have your support, Spirit. Now, how about turning your collar round (just for the nonce) and strolling along to St Patrick’s or Christ Church, whose buildings are wonderful, choirs sublime, and Masses surely as good as anything in Dublin? (I was brought up C of E in Belfast.)

Jay Vos
Jay Vos
16 years ago

Yeah, I like the indaba idea a lot. In my parish, we also use the African Bible Study method.

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

Well, we did ask that the Holy Spirit might hover over the Bishops at Lambeth. On reflection, I think that the absence of certain other Bishops might have been God’s way of enabling a more charitable Conference than was possible in 1988. Praise God for ABC Rowan’s Leadership – oft criticised, but palpably successful – in the context of the Indaba Group way of conversation. And what a wonderful idea; that no substantive legislation has been promulgated, that might have marred the genius of Anglicanism. Thank you all for really having a go at ‘Keeping the Unity of the Spirit… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

Holding hands is quite normal in pre-Modernb cultures. As it was in the West before Modernity ; = )

Why should’t it?

16 years ago

Just a joke, Goran.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“then we held hands and said ‘we’ve got to journey together.'”” And this, of course, is precisely what +Akinola feared would happen if he allowed his bishops to attend Lambeth. Listening, mutual respect, and empathy, all good Christian virtues, tend to extinguish anger. If you aren’t angry, you are much more difficult to steer in the direction of schism. Imagine what would happen if a sizable number of his own bishops actually stopped believing their American counterparts were faithless, arrogant pagans trying to destroy the Gospel in the interests of political correctness or the continued colonialist oppression of Africans? Imagine… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

I have a suspicion that not all – perhaps not many – of the African Diocesan Bishops prohibited by their Primates from attending the Lambeth Conference really wanted to stay away. If Canterbury wants ‘Obedience’ to his authority, perhaps hee needs to take lessons from Their Supreme Holinesses; Akinola, Oromni, etc., qwho have issued the ban. But then, we all know that the honourable title ‘Primus Inter Pares’ does not mean bullying your fellow bishops, but try telling that to some of the African Primates. Watch this space for the announcement of the new Primate of the Church of The… Read more »

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