Thinking Anglicans

Lambeth: Global South statement

Global South Anglican has published this Statement at the Lambeth Conference 2008.

The note at the bottom says:

A note from Archbishop John Chew: “Signatures are still being gathered at the point of posting and will be released as soon as we are able to. Bishops who were at the special meeting on the 22nd of July are welcome to add their names to the undersigned list. To indicate, please email us at

When a list of names is posted, I will update here too.

Monday morning update

The Most Revd Gerald James (Ian) Ernest (Indian Ocean)
The Most Revd Bernard Ntahoturi (Burundi)
The Most Revd Dr. Dirokpa Balufuga Fidèle (Congo)
The Most Revd Archbishop John Chew (Southeast Asia)
The Most Revd Stephen Than Myint Oo (Myanmar)
The Most Revd Valentino Mokiwa (Tanzania)
The Most Revd Daniel Deng Bul Yak (Sudan)
The Most Revd Dr Mouneer Hanna Anis (Jerusalem & The Middle East)
The Most Revd Justice Ofei Akrofi (West Africa)
The Most Revd John Wilson Gladstone (South India)
The Rt Revd Donald Mtetemela (Tanzania)

(Ed: This list is still being updated)

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Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

When trying to lock in on this link, all I got was a blank form – with no artile from the Global South about the Lambeth Conference.

Perhaps it was withdrawn – like a certain other statement was withdrawn from the G.S. web-site, when Fr. Michael Poon made a statement criticising a certain Global South inititative. Could Thinking Anglicans tell us what was the substance of this article?

16 years ago

Simon, I can’t get the link to display the article. The nearest I can get is the +Michael Winton’s statement yesterday.

Marshall Scott
16 years ago

Hmm. The comments of so many bishops in the Episcopal Church has been that this Lambeth has been hard in many ways, but that as they heard from bishops of other provinces, they also felt they had been heard about the needs and context for mission in the province of the Episcopal Church. Other than the reference to the moratorium on boundary crossings – an issue that all agree is more a symptom than a cause – there is no evidence here that the Americans have been listened to.

16 years ago

We have heard much talk from some bishops about the social and legal attitudes toward homosexuality they must work with in their own Provinces. I thought it might be of use to list the legal position regarding homosexuality under which Provinces operate: Provinces in countries which DO NOT criminalise homosexuality: Australia Brazil Burundi Canada Central America Congo England Hong Kong Ireland Japan Korea Mexico Philippines Rwanda (but currently in process to criminalise) Scotland Southern Cone TEC Wales EP Provinces of Bermuda, Cuba, Falkland Islands, Portugal, Spain Provinces both in countries which DO and countries which DO NOT criminalise homosexuality: Aotearoa,… Read more »

Padre Mickey
16 years ago

I really don’t care what the Most Blessed And Holy Primates of the Global South think about anything anymore.
It’s time to retire their little club.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

What this statement on the Global South web-site -purporting to be from Global South people present at the Lambeth Conference – does not say; is whether their co-constituents from the Global South who were not at Lambeth, are likely to comply with the requirement for a moratorium on their illegal excursions into the territory of the TEC and Canadian Anglican Provinces. This question might also be asked of the Presiding Bishop of the Southern Cone. who was actually present at Lambeth. After all, certain Primates from the G.S. for instance: Achbishop Orombi, have already declared their intention to form a… Read more »

16 years ago

Fr. Ron, Venables has already said that he will not cease his piracy. I guess it’s the only way he can gain members for his province, since their mission work seems to have been such an abject failure.

Leonardo Ricardo
Leonardo Ricardo
16 years ago

I really don’t care what the Most Blessed And Holy Primates of the Global South think about anything anymore. It’s time to retire their little club.” Padre Mickey You know, I woke up this morning thinking what idiots we have all been for “LISTENING” and watching the viscious hatefilled actions of a couple of handfuls of murderous thugs at the Anglican Communion…we have become codependent accomplices to the generating of persecution at CHURCH and now, The Archbishop of Canterbury wants a little “Inquistion” panel as well…this has nothing to do with promoting LOVE and PEACE in the world…we’ve allowed tyrants… Read more »

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

At least these Global south primates have more sense than to sign up to GAFCON

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

No! Robert Ian Williams – they may not themselves have signed up to the GAFCON Statement, but they have been signed up – in absentia – anyway. Does that make them less G.S. in essence, I wonder?

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

The Conservatives are all gloating at the futility of Lambeth…

However I am still waiting for a list of the signatories to the so called GAFCON declaration of Jerusalem.

Has any one heard whether the Primates GAFCON Council has disciplined Biship Iker and others for continuing with tabernacles, rosary groups and claims to offer Mass…clear violation of the 39 articles?

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

Robert, now that we know your own allegiance to ‘Aunty’, perhaps you could offer to bring Bishop iker up to date with Roman protocol at the Holy Mass. I’m sure Archbishop Jensen would like that. The mind does boggle at what sort of common worship will be offered in the new Church of the Global South. will it be Eucharist or Talk-Fest?

16 years ago

Fr. Ron, I’m wondering what Iker’s PowerPoints will be like.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago


I don’t want anything to do with Bishop Iker …if he can sign the GAFCON Declaration, affirm the 39 articles and return to Fort Worth and defie them!

that is GAFCON discipline for you.

As for the Global South..churches which have agreed to consecrate women bishps , like Sudan would not be acceptable at GAFCON. Gafcon likes its women in its place.

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