Thinking Anglicans

Glasgow news

The Scotsman reported Gay bishop thanks Scottish Church for recognising ‘all God’s people’.

The Herald has Applause and tears as gay US bishop preaches in Glasgow.

And The Times has Gay clerics certain to win struggle, Right Rev Gene Robinson says.

The full recording of the sermon is available here.

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16 years ago

Well, here’s to you bishop Robinson !

What a mensch !

16 years ago

Does Bishop Robinson spend much time in his diocese! He has been travelling the world publicising his cause for several months now.

At the Lambeth Conference Bishop Robinson wandered around complete with a large entourage, including his own security staff. Archbishop Rowan on the other hand wandered about by himself.

Once a supporter of Bishop Robinnson I now find his style, and self publicism, grates. How much better were it for his cause if he his focus was on the flock (his diocese) committed to his charge.

Deacon Charlie Perrin
Deacon Charlie Perrin
16 years ago


As far as I know Rowan hasn’t gotten any death threats. He can wander around with a reasonable expectation of safety.

And I think that Bishop Robinson is not away from his diocese much more than any other bishop. He just gets noticed a lot more.

16 years ago

Someone has to do the campaigning – given that most liberals are too wet and too bothered about ‘unity’, not equality for people.

Leonardo Ricardo
16 years ago

Does Bishop Robinson spend much time in his diocese! He has been travelling the world publicising his cause for several months now. Karin Ah yes, apparently you didn’t see the DVD introducing Bishop Robinson to The Anglican Communion at The Lambeth Conference (nor listen to his personal report on his very busy ministry and care of his flock?)…it is CLEAR that Bishop Robinson works very hard as both Bishop in New Hampshire and the ONLY “out/open” Gay Bishop in The Anglican Communion…true, being a witness when under threat of death may take the “steam” out of the like of you… Read more »

Fr Mark
Fr Mark
16 years ago

Karin: every other bishop was invited to the Lambeth Conference, and loads of them stayed around in the UK for a while before and/or after. So why shouldn’t the Bishop of New Hampshire? Maybe he gets invited to preach in so many places becuase a lot of people in Britain think he speaks more sense than your average bishop…

16 years ago

I cannot agree with you on this, Karin. He arrived in UK a little before the Lambeth Walk erm Conference, on a family holdiday, I believe following a happy personal event for him and his partner ! I doubt very much that he has been here any longer than many another bishop. I have found him to be a sahmeless Jesus publicist. There few anglican ministers who so consistently ( & attractively) present Jesus as gospel. And in such an inoffensive manner (as far as I am concerned). And I tend to be hyper-sensitive to presentations of Jesus. Subscribing as… Read more »

16 years ago

“Once a supporter . . . I now find”

Does anyone believe these “concern troll” ploys work anymore?

16 years ago

I have to hand it to mike of ther mersey, again !

‘Someone has to do the campaigning – given that most liberals are too wet and too bothered about ‘unity’, not equality for people.’

Posted by: Merseymike on Tuesday, 5 August 2008 at 7:11pm BST

The other thing to remember, is that some of us are *colecting our bus passes* at Gene’s age, not taking on new and perilous challenges for Jesus.

* UK English for ‘retired’*

‘Now here’s to you bishop Robinson !”

FR. Robert Calderwood
FR. Robert Calderwood
16 years ago

How may I receive a copy of Bishop Robinson’s sermon preached in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow, on August the 3rd 2008 ?

(Fr.) Bob

Spirit of Vatican II
Spirit of Vatican II
16 years ago

Anglicanism will not be at peace until Gene Robinson is fully accepted, perhaps by the next Lambeth conference? More widely, Christianity will have to work its way around to accepting gays and their human flourishing at a much greater depth than is currently envisaged, just as we worked our way around to abolishing slavery and purging antisemitism.

16 years ago

Maybe Dr. ML King should have spent more time with his congregation at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.

Martin Reynolds
16 years ago

I realise that this is very much a personal thing and there are bound to be a wide variety of views, but I actually changed my view over Gene’s Lambeth visit too – only the other way! In the build-up to Lambeth several journalist I know asked (for deep background) what I thought of Gene coming to be on the periphery of Lambeth. I answered that Gene hadn’t asked my advice but that had he asked I would probably have told him to spend the month, before during and after Lambeth, BEING THE diocesan bishop at home, baptising confirming, marrying,… Read more »

16 years ago

My “bet” is that Bishop Robinson spends rather more time in his diocese than Bishop Wright spends in his.

16 years ago

The transparent troll is advancing the latest “conservative” slander. “It’s not bad enough, you see, that Gene is a sodomite, he’s also a neglectful bishop.”

The Episcopalians in New Hampshire seem to have a different view.

It really isn’t hard to decide whose views are credible.

16 years ago

I’m very glad that Gene Robinson went down big in Glasgow. But I think one should always also be realistic. The Scottish Episcopalian Church, admirable as it is, is numerically very small. Try finding Episopalian churches outside the big cities in Scotland – you’ll find it difficult and when you do find them you’ll also find tiny congregations. There is a real problem here with liberal Anglican evangelism. We must face up to it.

16 years ago

“There is a real problem here with liberal Anglican evangelism. We must face up to it. – Posted by john”

Well, yes, john. That problem isn’t new: it’s called The Cross.

We must face up to the fact that it—IF it’s really The Cross—will never be popular… :-/

[But the rewards are, as they say, Infinite! :-D]

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

Will some one do a PHD study..The Scottish Episcopal Church 1689-1008,…a journey from conservative reaction to lberal progression?

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