Thinking Anglicans

Church Times on the Covenant

Today’s Church Times contains a news report by Bill Bowder on the recently published A Lambeth Commentary on the Saint Andrew’s Draft for an Anglican Communion. See Bishops’ approval of Covenant hangs in the balance.

See also the review by the Bishop of Guildford of the book by Professor Norman Doe, An Anglican Covenant: Theological and legal considerations for a global debate. What should the Covenant actually say?

And, read the Church Times Leader: Perfection and the Anglicans.

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Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“The most insidious sins are the least obvious, the spiritual rather than the physical: pride, in traditional moral theology, is more ensnaring then lust” – Church Times Editorial This editorial from the C.T. commenting on the latest review of the ‘New Covenant’ Document, is precisely what is at the root of the present stand-off. It seems that the re-Asserters’ ‘pride in moral theology’, on the topic of same-sex blessings and the ordination of gays, could at least equal the sin of lust – a prospect that should, considering the moral grounds of their objections, encourage them to re-think the seriousness… Read more »

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