Thinking Anglicans

weekend columns

PewForum has an interesting report on How the News Media Covered Religion in the [US] General Election.

Stewart Dakers writes in the Guardian about how Faith and science need a collective reformation to celebrate the power of love.

Jonathan Sacks writes in The Times about Fashioning the world anew with winged thoughts.

Ekklesia has republished an article by Christopher Rowland on A kingdom, but not as we know it.

Giles Fraser talked on the BBC’s Thought for the Day last Wednesday.

Elaine Sciolino wrote in the New York Times about how Britain Grapples With Role for Islamic Justice.

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Cheryl Va.
16 years ago

A heartening set of articles (thank you TA hosts). In Rowland’s paper he suggested that “The God of the universe had been seen to destroy precisely those institutions believed to be invincible because they seemed to express the divine will concretely, permanently and infallibly.” Amen. One of the challenges for humanity is that they like to bond, form and mould. It is very easy for them to be come so ensconced in what they are doing, that they fail to recognise the adverse consequences of their paradigms e.g. that elitist paradigms lead to abused outcastes. This is one of the… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

“Importantly, the call to unity is not a call to find some lowest common denominator of religious belief. For what is particularly impressive about the joint witness of Rowan Williams and Jonathan Sachs is that they don’t water down the distinctiveness of their own faith when they express their solidarity with each other. On the contrary, it’s as if the more they are true to their own traditions, the more they are able to grow in fellowship with each other. In other words: unity is no betrayal” – Fr. Giles Fraser- In this week’s Church Times, Giles speaks of a… Read more »

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