Thinking Anglicans

Abp Jensen in Ireland

The Archbishop of Sydney has recently been in Ireland. The Church of Ireland Gazette has full coverage:

Archbishop of Sydney in rallying call to Church of Ireland evangelicals

and also has an editorial, ANGLICAN CHURCH IN NORTH AMERICA.

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15 years ago

Church in Ireland, welcome to my world. GAFCON/FOCA are busy sowing schism in your parishes also. Note +Jensen’s call to laity to take the lead, bringing their bishops with them if they can. Uncooperative bishops will be repudiated; if their evangelical parishes don’t get on with them, they’ll simply pick a bishop more to their liking. Memo to Establishment: If you could have a do-over of the last ten years, would you still have encouraged the American schismatics, knowing that they would eventually bring their schism to your shores? Or is your dislike of openly gay men, or women, or… Read more »

Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
15 years ago

“it is important to recognise that the Anglican Church in North America initiative, while outside the normal process for creating a new Province, is an attempt to bring together Anglicans who have been splitting off from the established Anglican Churches in the US and Canada, mainly as a result of fundamental differences over the human sexuality issue. …rather than rejecting the move as irregular and as creating an unwanted parallel jurisdiction within the US and Canada … an accommodation should be sought with the new Anglican Church in North America that would enable it to be part of the Anglican… Read more »

15 years ago

Keep in mind that the CofI Gazette, like the CofE Newspaper, is not an official publication and does not reflect official policy. Both, despite their names, are advocacy publications.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
15 years ago

Yes. The bodies calling themselves CANA and whatever else are busily engaged in trying to steal the property of TEC through the lawsuits THEY initiated. How would that fly in Ireland? Hmmm? Those schismatics are homophobic and anti-women thieves and liars through and through. I’d think the witty and clever Irish could see through their machinations. You might just go ahead and change the locks on your doors.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
15 years ago

The Most Revd Peter Jensen, issued a rallying call to Church of Ireland evangelicals to be vigilant that no “official act which endorses sin” should take place in the Church of Ireland. Comment….he conveniently forgets about the fact that both Sydney and the Church of Ireland re-marry divorced persons. Again and again a blind eye to heterosexual sin. Pleaase also note he preached in Scotland a call to arms and the minister who hosted him is now leading a petition in the Church of Scotland against the gay minister in Aberdeen. His thneme was contending for the Faith and he… Read more »

15 years ago

“CofI Gazette, like the CofE Newspaper, is not an official publication and does not reflect official policy. Both, despite their names, are advocacy publications.” Posted by Charlotte

Thanks, Charlotte. In light of the ludicrous assertions in the editorial, that was my hunch—but it’s good to be reassured!

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“..the Archbishop of Sydney, the Most Revd Peter Jensen, issued a rallying call to Church of Ireland evangelicals to be vigilant that no “official act which endorses sin” should take place in the Church of Ireland.” – Church of Ireland Gazette – Let’s all hope that the clergy and bishops of the Church of Ireland are not fooled by this Sydney prelate’s invasion of their right to proclaim the Gospel as they see it in today’s world. In his bid to coerce them into his own exclusivist agenda for the Church, Archbishop Jensen is seeking to enlarge the influence of… Read more »

15 years ago

Yes, Charlotte and NdP, I agree. A split off, virtual province or entity is coming to a church home near each of us, in the very near drafted new covenant future. On the other hand, all of this realignment nonsense so knee-deep in its own self-regard and convictions of pure orthodoxy, well it may just go the way of all New Puritan follies if enough time and space can be given so that it spits and trash talks and preaches without quite being able to get its hungry hands on real levers of real power to use against its fav… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“Indeed, there is no doubt that those Anglicans who have formed the Anglican Church in North America are committed to the heritage of Christian faith and life as it has been transmitted in classical Anglicanism. Parallel jurisdiction may be an anomaly, but Anglicans are hardly strangers to anomalies.” – C.I. Gazette – ‘Committed to the heritage’? Maybe! But is it committed to the ongoing revelation of the Holy Spirit in the Church, Who just may be telling us that to be gay or a to be a woman is no barrier to the proclamation of the freedom of the Gospel… Read more »

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