Thinking Anglicans

ACC reports – Monday evening

Two reports on the Covenant, ENS has ACC asked to send covenant to provinces for approval and Anglican Journal has Non-approval of proposed covenant could ‘make or break’ Anglican Communion, warns design group chair.

There is a further unrelated Canadian report World economic crisis an opportunity to redirect priorities, says Anglican Environmental Network convenor.

Colin Coward has Covenant anxieties expressed in first ACC Plenary.

Anglican Mainstream has The Covenant: an introduction by Archbishop Drexel Gomez.

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15 years ago

It is not too late to say no. This is a trap, clear and simple.

And the implicit threat (send out the covenant or schism) is despicable. It is nothing short of the dirtiest and vilest blackmail.

There is no need to tie our hands with this thing. In this case we have a clear reason to say no and the ACC should treat the threat of schism with the response it deserves.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“A number of primates have spoken to me about how their synods are beginning to become impatient with the communion’s life if the communion can’t say something clear at this stage of its life”, said Archbsihop Gomez – Report from ACC 14 – Yes! In fact, some have become so impatient that they are already taking steps to approve of the inclusion of a phantom new North American Province into the family – despite the fact that the members of that province would have nothing to do with the Anglican Church of Canada or TEC. Let’s hope that Archbishop Gomez’… Read more »

15 years ago

This sounds like “Sign now — or Else!” The willingness of some ACC delegates to tell other provinces that they can ignore their usual practices and use an “extraordinary” session or some such, the tying of the TEC General Synod to GAFCON, Archbishop Gomez’ apocalyptic language all sounds like trying to arrange a shot-gun marriage. And I don’t buy for one second all these assurances that individual provinces are free to follow their own constitutions and procedures. If that was the case, the consecration of +Robinson through duly authorized means, the adoption of same sex blessings by dioceses of the… Read more »

15 years ago

Gee now Drexel G again. The whole covenant business is suspect, thanks to him in particular, and thanks to his relentless partisanist small tent campaigning on the rightwing sides of our so-called global conversations. Again, Gomez issues dire warnings about doomsday if he does not get what he wants. How long can he cry Wolf without us seeing through the End of Civilization predictions? Just because G sees no need to act civally towards queer folks does not tie the hands of everybody else, all around the planet. Maybe Gs sort of uncivilised thinking needs to be corrected in this… Read more »

15 years ago

One more bit, that will probably strike people as a sideline bit; but in fact leads right to the USA rightwing religious heart of things, gone global Ang Comm realignment via IRD, thanks to the leaders, plans, steps, phases with which many watching realignment at work are already probably familiar. The bit? A new book by Jeff Sharlet. Search Amazon or your fav bookseller web site. Or browse the real world shelves somewhere. See: To the extent that the current Anglican realignment campaign represents long-term planning by USA conservatives, this realignment business is way way way bigger than Orombi… Read more »

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