Thinking Anglicans

South Carolina proposals get press attention

It has been several months since we reported on South Carolina bishop makes proposals.

The five proposed resolutions to be voted on at the Special Convention, October 24, are now online here (PDF).

There has been extensive coverage in the local press namely the Charleston Post & Courier recently:

It’s hard to imagine an English diocesan synod meeting getting this kind of space in the local paper!

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15 years ago

“God has called me as a bishop of the church to proclaim the gospel in season and out of season, regardless of what others will or will not do. This includes protecting the faithful from false teachings.” +South Carolina

Certainly seems like a “mountain of conceit” to me. What about false witnessing?

Looks like the rebels out at Ft. Sumter are fix’in for a fight again.

15 years ago

choirboy– agreed about the desire to rebel, once again, in the Palmetto state of South Carolina – however (warning: historical factoid approaching) in 1861 the rebels fired FROM Charleston TOWARDS Fort Sumter – where the Federal troops were in a defensive position.

Martin Reynolds
15 years ago

In a Q&A above Lawrence says: A: Your question suggests a complete misreading of my statement. My offer was made to those parishes in the diocese that may feel uncomfortable with engaging the “national” church in such an assertive manner as I’ve described. It is directed toward those who may feel themselves more in step with The Episcopal Church, not those who might want to leave the Church. I find no logic or good practice in this. Surely Lawrence has adopted a very specific position and proposes a definite set of actions, if he can offer alternative oversight to those… Read more »

15 years ago

“It’s hard to imagine an English diocesan synod meeting getting this kind of space in the local paper!”

If the diocese was threatening to withdraw from the CofE, wouldn’t it?

15 years ago

My bad ettu, you’re right, it was a Fed facility. It is just seems incredulous that Charleston, which is such a progressive place could allow this to fester. I worked a vessel there and it was a hopping busy container port, modern as could be. I was lucky enough to sing an evensong at St. Michael’s (Howell’s Col Reg) and thought it to be correctly restrained low church but NOT nutso! You’d think that the local church there would be more concerned with the high crime rate and poverty in N. Charleston, near one of the shipyards, and very unlike… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“If the assembly votes in favor of these resolutions, it will be a “protest of conscience,” and a pullback from the national church, but not a full disassociation, Lawrence said.” – Adam Parker, Post & Courier – ‘A pullback from TEC but not a full disassociation’ – Does this sound like the word of a recently-appointed TEC Bishop, who promised, at his epsicopal ordination to obey the rites, ceremonies and Constitution of the Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.? And did he not promise, immediately before his election, that he would not lead his diocese out of TEC? This sounds to… Read more »

Robert Ian williams
Robert Ian williams
15 years ago

For Orthodoxy …read holding the line on gays.

Lawrence accepts women priests, re-marriage after divorce, contraception etc

Some folks are more orthodox than others…

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
15 years ago

“Some folks are more orthodox than others”

Technically, the Church hasn’t been orthodox since the Great Schism. The problem is with the word itself. As with most things, it doesn’t mean what it seems to mean. It is NOT “right praise”, it means “I’m right and you’re not”. It has only ever been used as a means of identifying and forcing out the people who disagree with you. It is a pompous self justification for bad behaviour, that’s all it ever was, that’s all it is now.

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“Technically, the Church hasn’t been orthodox since the Great Schism.” – Ford Elms –

Tell that to the Patriarch of Constantinople!

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
15 years ago

I was speaking of the Anglican Church. For the Orthodox, we are not part of the Church. There is the Church, which faithfully preserves and transmits the fullness of the Gospel She has received, the hospital of the soul, and then there is the rest of us. Within the Church there is salvation. Outside it, who knows? The Orthodox would say “We cannot presume on the mercy of God to say who will and who will not enter the Kingdom. We know where the Spirit is, we do not know where She is not.” For them, the Church is always… Read more »

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