Thinking Anglicans

opinions in mid-Advent

Rowan Williams gave an interview to George Pitcher of the Telegraph. Read about it at Dr Rowan Williams: taking a break from Canterbury travails. An earlier news report is titled Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘Labour treats us like oddballs’.

Richard Chartres and Ali Gomaa wrote at Cif belief about the Swiss minarets decision, see An opportunity to understand.

Richard Reddie writes in the Guardian that We should understand, not fear, the rise in black conversions to Islam.

Graham Kings wrote at Cif belief about Sudan at the crossroads. Also at Fulcrum.

Giles Fraser wrote in the Church Times about Loyalty — or an obligation?

Christopher Howse writes in the Telegraph about Eucharist in the Wesleys’ hymns.

Roderick Strange writes in The Times that To follow Jesus is a cause for rejoicing.

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toby forward
15 years ago

Someone treats Rowan Williams as an oddball? Someone

Hold the front page.

Er, on seconds thoughts, don’t. It’s hardly ‘dog bites man’ is it?

15 years ago

“The effect is to de-normalise faith, to intensify the perception that faith is not part of our bloodstream. And, you know, in great swaths of the country that’s how it is.”

And how do you suppose that got to be? By marginalization of a group of people that society deems acceptable? To not change attitudes towards minorities that science has proven beyond a doubt is an inherent condition, then to whine about declining membership is as you all from the U.K. would say, beyond “cheek”.

Spirit of Vatican II
15 years ago

I enjoyed Abp Rowan’s comment on the latest rash of “second spring” thinking among triumphalist RCs in Britain — emblematized for me in Eamon Duffy’s scandalous book, Fires of Faith.

By the way, whatever happened to Anglicanorum Coetibus? Where are the swimmers crossing the Tiber? Why the silence? Perhaps Abp Rowan’s Roman lecture and the launching of ARCIC III has taken the wind out of their sails? Even TAC don’t seem to be responding all that enthusiastically to the Roman invitation they themselves asked for. Could it be that their purpose all along was just to spite the Anglican Communion?

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“I enjoyed Abp Rowan’s comment on the latest rash of “second spring” thinking among triumphalist RCs in Britain.” – Spirit of Vatican II – It really is Spring here in New Zealand, but I suspect the Spirit of Christmas in the U.K. Church might be better characterised by that well-known Carol ‘In the Bleak Mid-Winter’. There are some advantages to be gainecd from living in a more civilsed part of the Southern Hemisphere at this time in the sad history of the Church – AC or RCC. We, in NZ, are not, however, part of that death-dealing Church sodality of… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“Wesley chose to include sentences such as: “This Sacrament, by our remembrance, becomes a kind of Sacrifice, whereby we present before God the Father that precious Oblation of His Son once offered.” It is hard to think that Cranmer would have been happy with this statement.” – Christopher Howse – In this article, Christopher Howse reminds us of our High Church Anglican sacramental affinity with Wesleyan Methodism – through the Eucharistic theology excpressed in the Communion Hymns of John and Charles Wesley. Whatever we may think about the ecclesiology of the Wesley brothers, no Anglo-Catholic could ever fault their theology… Read more »

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