Thinking Anglicans

ABC speaks to the Global South

The full text of Archbishop of Canterbury’s video address to the Fourth Global South to South Encounter, 20 April 2010 is available on the Lambeth Palace website.

The link contains the full text if you scroll down far enough. Before that there is also a link to the video itself. But first there is a press release about the address.

The full text is also available on the Global South Anglican website.

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Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“In all your minds there will be questions around the election and consecration of Mary Glasspool in Los Angels. All of us share the concern that in this decision and action the Episcopal Church has deepened the divide between itself and the rest of the Anglican family. And as I speak to you now, I am in discussion with a number of people around the world about what consequences might follow from that decision, and how we express the sense that most Anglicans will want to express, that this decision cannot speak for our common mind.” – The ABC’s video… Read more »

14 years ago

I think he didn’t so much speak to them, as cave to them, showing himself the spineless lickspittle he is. It doesn’t matter how evil the people involved are, Rowan will go with the numbers rather than who is really trying to bring the Kingdom.

Perhaps Anglicanism can be rebuilt after Rowan is gone, but his constant whoring after those who left whilst alienating those who’ve remained has killed the Anglican Communion and left Anglicanism as a precious artifact to be hidden and protected by those of us progressive exiles until a true communion can be restored.

Göran Koch-Swahne
14 years ago

Nothing new here, beyond all the words I can detect only denial and co-dependence, as always.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

I read the ABC’s message on Episcopal Cafe, and note, along with commenters there, that he says not ONE WORD about border-crossing sheep-stealing bishops, nor about the various attempts to alienate the property of TEC. Would he sing a different song if Akinola, Minns, etc. started up their activities in England’s green and pleasant land?

The ABC who has secret masses for closeted clergy has no moral standing in objecting to our election and [soon] consecration of a lesbian priest in a stable – and open – relationship.

What a disgrace he is.

14 years ago

Interesting that early response here and on Kendall Harmon’s right-wing blog Titus19 is so far equal in number and equally condemning of the ABC.

One might choose to find here a perfect example of the via media in action.

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
14 years ago

“In all your minds there will be questions around the election and consecration of Mary Glasspool in Los Angels. All of us share the concern that in this decision and action the Episcopal Church has deepened the divide between itself and the rest of the Anglican family.”

On the other hand, In all our minds is the question of the proposed Anglican covenant.Many of us share a concern that this proposal from the Primates and Communion level bureacrats will deepen the divide within the Anglican family of churches.

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

I think the Archbishop of Canterbury should be ashamed of himself. This is a cowardly statement he has made. It serves no one but the right wing fundamentalists and their agenda. I am deeply disappointed in Rowan Williams. He is adding fuel to the fire.

Bill Moorhead
14 years ago

Father Ron Smith writes: “I say, let the rest of the Church look to the possibility of keeping communion together – minus the Global South contingent – simply in order that the work of the Gospel of Christ may continue to meet the real needs of the world as it is in our little corner of it.” “And let all the people say, ‘Amen!'” (Ps 106:48) Just this alteration: I wouldn’t say “minus the Global South contingent.” But I would say that we will not surrender to “Global South” (or ABC) blackmail. If they choose to “walk apart” — although… Read more »

14 years ago

Cynthia Gilliatt, thank you for your comments and summation. I’m getting tired of people throwing the Windsor Report around like it was Holy Writ — but conveniently ignoring the requested injunction against diocesan and provincial poaching. Oh, excuse me, “cross-border intervention”. On the surface, I guess that’s supposed to sound more diplomatic than “poaching”, but it seems to me Germany started a minor kerfuffle when it launched a “cross-border intervention” in Poland in 1939.
That this Archbishop is so willing to cater to the every whim of the Global South while castigating TEC is extremely disappointing and disillusioning.

14 years ago

I am going to try to make the best case out that I can for the Archbishop of Canterbury’s statement “that this decision [the election and consecration of Mary Glasspool] cannot speak for our common mind.” His statement could be taken as the simple truth. As the Church of Wales and the Anglican Church of Canada (for example) have stated, Anglicans worldwide are not of one mind about matters of human sexuality. There are a number of different viewpoints, some very strongly held. There is no “common mind.” That fact is only a problem for the Anglican Communion if some… Read more »

14 years ago

The key question is how we deal with the inevitability of churches moving at different paces on controverted issues. I think Rowan has drunk deeply of the incarnation, and he realises that a similarly-incarnated church can only move fallibly, implying that injustices will inevitably occur and even be institutionalised. This is inevitable for a sinful Church. Of course, the penny will drop for individual churches at different times. The question (or ‘a’ question at least) is whether an ethically and arguably theologically legitimate move by one church, a divisive move, might be at the expense of a more general move… Read more »

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
14 years ago

RW: “All of us share the concern that in this decision and action the Episcopal Church has deepened the divide between itself and the rest of the Anglican family.” Firstly, I don’t think it is accurate or truthful to assert that ***all** of us believe the Episcopal Church was an agent for division through its actions. Secondly, its actions may have integrity of their own, and significant numbers of people believe it is not TEC actions that divide, but a desire on the part of others to restrict diversity of expression, which sometimes edges towards an authoritarian frame of mind…… Read more »

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
14 years ago

RW: “…how we express the sense that most Anglicans will want to express, that this decision cannot speak for our common mind.” It is the insistence on a common mind… the demand for uniformity… the inability to live with differences and diversity, and afford respect for one another’s faith journeys, that leads the Anglican Communion towards authoritarianism. The decision of TEC to receive Mary Glasspool as a bishop should not require a common mind. It is the faithful expression of one region of Anglicanism, and in no way prevents others elsewhere from unity in Christ, service for Christ, and dying… Read more »

14 years ago

February’s session of General Synod approved spousal pensions for surviving same-sex partners of Anglican clergy and Williams is tut-tutting about the election Mary Glasspool? Whiff of hypocrisy around here somewhere? And not just from the Archbishop.

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
14 years ago

Friends, not one of us comes to God being able to trust in our own record, but rather, we come stripped and naked, and so very much in need of mercy and grace. Friends, we are like wanton women who come with nothing and can only ask God to be called by God’s Name and to belong in God’s Household… and we are indeed called, and known, and by amazing grace we are ***loved*** and invested with God’s own goodness and holiness, as lovely adopted children, and heirs of the household in eternity. So there is this very great glory… Read more »

14 years ago

RW: “[T]his decision cannot speak for our common mind.”

Why would anyone think it does? TEC does not pretend to speak for the whole Communion.

It is the “instruments of [dis]unity” that will presumably attempt to do that. Good luck to them.

No Anglican Covenant!

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“We need a new way forward. We are no longer in communion with Rowan (Williams) or TEC or Canada. After all the biblical reflections we are still in a state of crisis, nothing has been resolved over the years. The Windsor Report, the Primates Meetings recommendations, the Lambeth Conference 2008 and the Windsor Continuation Group have all failed to bring any change in the drastic situation of the Anglican Communion.” “In a crisis the Church meets in council. Everybody is bound by the council. I have a vision for a renewed communion of the Faith Once delivered. Let the trumpet… Read more »

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

“That is what the real question has always been: can the members of the Anglican Communion hold differing views on human sexuality and still remain in communion with one another?”

Try this:
“That is what the real question has always been: can the members of the Anglican Communion still hold differing views on remarriage after divorce and still remain in communion with one another?”

After all, our Lord spoke about this issue clearly and never said one word about glbt issues.

What is the ABC’s position on remarriage after divorce?

14 years ago

“our election and [soon] consecration of a lesbian priest in a stable – and open – relationship.”

Nitpicking, Cynthia G . . . because so many people have such CRAZY ideas about LGBTs.

What I *think* you meant to say, is that (+)Mary Glasspool is in a stable – and OPENLY-KNOWN – *monogamous* relationship.

As far as Rowan goes? Pffft. Not worth the bandwidth. When the CofE is ready to have an *Anglican* ABC again, TEC will be waiting to welcome him—or her! 🙂

Roland Smith
Roland Smith
14 years ago

Interesting, that when I read the conservative Anglican blogs, they accuse ++ Rowan Williams of capitulating to the left. While I have some concerns with his leadership, it’s funny that he can’t catch a break from anyone. This guy can’t win.

Tom Downs
Tom Downs
14 years ago

“Being minimally confessional, we have an incredible opportunity for our various churches to remain in communion with one another while wrestling with significant issues.”
Yes, that ought to work, and has for many many years. But have you forgotten the Covenant? It is already treated as a confession to which all must subscribe or leave. Lusting after certainty has always been a danger in the Christian community. Few Churches have been able to resist it. But it has been our hallmark…until now.

karen macqueen+
14 years ago

RW: “I am in discussion with a number of people around the world about what consequences might follow from that decision, and how we express the sense that most Anglicans will want to express, that this decision cannot speak for our common mind.” I am still having trouble with RW’s assuming an unprecedented role in the AC to deliberate with “a number of people” as to how to properly craft “consequences” for the consecration of Mary Glasspool as bishop in a province other than his own. This mild language will surely not satisfy the evangelical fervor of the claimants to… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Being minimally confessional, we have an incredible opportunity for our various churches to remain in communion with one another while wrestling with significant issues. This is what an Anglican Covenant ought to enable. I pray that we be open to this graced and gracious mission for the sake of the entire Church.” – Joe on Tuesday, 20 April – But, Joe; with this proposed Covenant, we would become more than just a ‘minimally Confessing Church’. And this is at the heart of the present stand-off in the Communion – between those of us who accept a degree of theological diversity… Read more »

Christopher (P.)
Christopher (P.)
14 years ago

Re Cynthia’s comment, note that the current Primate of Nigeria, Abp Okoh, at the GS conference, calls for a fight against serial monogamy (amidst other things that he characterizes as sinful). This may indeed be a pertinent question.

Bill Moorhead
14 years ago

I’m grateful to the previous commenters who have picked up on +Rowan’s statement, “[T]his decision cannot speak for our common mind.” Anglicanism is not about having a common mind. Anglicanism is about gathering together at the Lord’s Table. That was the whole point of the Elizabethan Settlement, and it worked for a while; overall it has continued to work, mostly. But every time there was a perceived need for a “common mind” there was schism, starting with the Puritans and continuing through many sad fragmentations ever since. The bishops of several provinces are refusing to gather at the Lord’s Table… Read more »

Brian Knight
Brian Knight
14 years ago

Wow he couldn’t even show up? With a communion I’m crisis and global south ready to separate completely and the questions around what he will do to TEC all going on he couldn’t even make the effort to show up and try and hold it all together. What kind of leadership is this?

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
14 years ago

RW frames his comments with Romans 9. This starts with an expression of sorrow and anguish for a preceding religious community based on faith and traditions that are left behind by the new emergent faith of the church. They have covenants, they belong to God, but they have not recognised change when it came. Citing Jacob and Esau, Paul observes that “the older will serve the younger”. The emergent faith leads the way, and Paul quotes Hosea: “I will call them my people, who are not my people… where it was said to them ‘You are not my people’ they… Read more »

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

RW: “I am in discussion with a number of people around the world about what consequences might follow from that decision, and how we express the sense that most Anglicans will want to express, that this decision cannot speak for our common mind.” I am having the same problem as karen – who does Rowan think he is? He has no jurisdiction in this province. About all he can do is fail to invite us to the relevant communion bodies, or allow us seat but no voice or vote. And my inclination would be, in that case, not to go… Read more »

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
14 years ago

Friends, I feel so sad that we as Christians find it hard to live with one another and recognise our differences, but keep our hearts and sights set on the grace of Jesus Christ, in whom alone we find our eternal unity and wholeness.

For those who would like to, you can read my little thoughts on Rowan’s address here:

May the grace and kindness of God be with you, and hold us and bless us, and those we love. May God bless our troubled world, and may God have mercy.

Adam Armstrong
Adam Armstrong
14 years ago

From the Mad Priest Blog… THE REAL COST OF WHITEWASHING TOMBS From ANGLICAN INFORMATION (Province of Central Africa): A new circular letter dated 20th May the Diocesan Secretary of the Diocese of Lake Malawi has announced a change in date for the consecration of the Venerable Francis Kaulanda as the next Bishop of Lake Malawi. The consecration and enthronement, originally scheduled to take place on Sunday 2nd May at All Saints’ Cathedral, Nkhota-kota, has now been postponed to Sunday 9th May. This change the letter says, ‘was done by the Province in order to accommodate as many Provincial Bishops as… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Wow he couldn’t even show up? With a communion In a crisis, and Global South ready to separate completely and the questions around what he will do to TEC all going on he couldn’t even make the effort to show up and try and hold it all together. What kind of leadership is this? – Posted by: Brian Knight on Wednesday, 21 April – Brian, do you actually think that the ABC was actually invited to GSE4? Even if invited, he undoubtedly would not have been welcomed – by many of the participants. I think, from the evidence, that GSE4… Read more »

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
14 years ago

Do we know whether he had intended to show up but was prevented by the Icelandic volcano eruption? Not everyone on the other side of the world may know this, but there have been no flights in and out of Britain since then until 2 days ago.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

What we now do know is that the ABC was invited to attend and give an address to the GSE4 Conference in Singapore, and that he decline for personal reason to attend, However, in conformity with his normal courtesy, the Archbishop gave a video-ed Statement to the gathering, which was shown at the beginning of the Conference. Despite the ABC’s specific refence to the ‘divisive’ problem of TEC’s (canonical) decision to go ahead with the consecration of the Revd. Mary Glasspool, this did not inhibit the intention of the G.S. Leaders in going ahead with their creation of their own… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Speaking directly of the Anglican Church in North America, the gathered archbishops and representatives said, “We are grateful that the recently formed Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) is a faithful expression of Anglicanism. We welcomed them as partners in the Gospel and our hope is that all provinces will be in full communion with the clergy and people of the ACNA and the Communion Partners.” – ACNA’s post-conference blurb – How can a schismatic sodality like ACNA ever be described as ‘A faithful expression of Anglicanism’?. Although, of course, we have to consider the odd position of the G.S.… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“The real issue is not the Covenant, but the Archbishop of Canterbury. His track record in protecting and including TEC is obvious – namely reneging on the agreements at Dromantine (so that TEC was present at the ACC in Nottingham), inviting the consecrators of Gene Robinson to Lambeth ( in advance of the conclusion of the Dar-es-Salaam timetable), and undermining the debate at the ACC in Jamaica which would have mandated a covenant with sanctions.” – Chris Sugden – ‘Virtue-on-line – It’s often said that, if you want to gauge the integrity of a person, see what other people who… Read more »

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