Thinking Anglicans

A different view of the Global South

Jonathan Wynne-Jones has posted on his Telegraph blog: Is Archbishop Akinola in a civil partnership?

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James Noble
James Noble
14 years ago

So – folks – it’s all over.

Archbishop Kolini confirmed that The Global South are now out of communion with Rowan and with the CoE. The FCA UK are now “called out” of the CoE with which they are no longer in communion.

The Global South are establishing a formal Primates’ council, and a three-year General Assembly (following GAFCON). Nazir-Ali has been approached to represent the “remnant” Anglicans on the Primates council – it’s not yet sure if he has agreed or not.

So, it’s official: it’s really all over bar the lawsuits.

14 years ago

This is truly absurd.

14 years ago

If this picture were published in certain parts of the Global South, w/o attribution (or worse, w/ incorrect attribution), it’s not difficult to imagine a violent mob descending upon these two men, before they could explain a thing!

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind, Archbishops…

14 years ago

I will assume Mr. Wynne-Jones’ observation is an attempt at wry humour gone rather awry. While sometimes guilty of shameful homophobia, the “global south” might have a healthier attitude on this topic than societies that read into cordial, affectionate physical contact between male friends putative evidence of homosexuality.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Should we be sending congratulations to the happy couple? No, of course the Nigerian Archbishop and leading voice of the Anglican Communion’s anti-gay brigade is no more than just good friends with John Chew, the Primate of South East Asia.” – Jonathan Wynne-Jones, The Telegraph – Touch’e, Jonathan, but this is merely a light touch’e surely, on the part of these two holy men? There is absolutely nothing sexual about this touching. However, hands on knees, when other people of the same gender are involved could be considered quite suggestive. And I would suggest that neither of these two homophobes… Read more »

David | Dah•veed |
David | Dah•veed |
14 years ago

It is not even a recent photo. This photo was circulated around Anglican blogs at least a year or more ago.

Good-bye Global South. Do not let the screen door hit you where the good Lord split you.

We will leave the light on.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Archbishop Kolini said he was never happy at any of the last 12 years of primatial gatherings he has attended. Here it is the opposite. Everyone is upbeat, cheerful and at peace. The archbishops and bishops are smiling; they are not fighting liberal and revisionist archbishops and bishops who have a different religion. Only God knows what they really believe, but whatever truncated Christianity they have, you won’t find it here. God’s mission now is in the 11th hour of the Global South, said Archbishop Orombi in prepared remarks read by his stand in, Ugandan Bishop Stephen Kaziimba. Orombi was… Read more »

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

If the Global South group is “out of Communion” with the C of E this is a very good thing. The more distance they can place between themselves and the inclusive Christians in the Anglican Communion who embrace all of God’s children, the better! The hatred and intolerance that is coming from the archbishops of the Global South points to a group of narrow minded and bitter men who have not confronted their homophobia and misogyny. I do not believe you can be a disciple of Christ and have such hatred for your sisters and brothers in Christ. It is… Read more »

Raspberry Rabbit
Raspberry Rabbit
14 years ago

Jonathan Wynne-Jones is clearly a thirteen year old boy who needs his computer access withdrawn for a couple of days

David G
14 years ago

What true Anglican/Episcopalian really cares anymore, …I certainly don’t. The GLOBAL SOUTH DRAMA is like “Dallas” running for 20 years … sad and sorry!!

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Raspberry Rabbit, Personally, I’d rather have the humour of Jonathan Wynne-Jones than the vitriol of Mr Virtue – at least it has some merit, bringing cheer rather than the despair of the Global South.
Mind you, there are a few comedians on that trip too

Seriously though, Bunny, you have to have a laugh at these clowns, otherwise you’d take them seriously.

14 years ago

Mr Virtue’s vitriol has it’s moments, Fr Ron –

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Dear Friends, I have just listened to 2 different video clips of talks give by the Primates of The Middle East, and Singapore. Of the two, Abp. John Chew’s was strangely moving. He urged his G.S.E. confreres to listen to the message of Isaiah – in the Suffering Servant passages, and to reflect on the fact that, throughout the history of Israel, his people were prone to ‘do their own thing’, rather than listen to what the God of the Covenant was asking of them. In the end, of course, Israel failed the challenge to keep Covenant, and God sent… Read more »

Raspberry Rabbit
Raspberry Rabbit
14 years ago

Jeez, Ron, I didn’t know I had to choose.

Bob McCloskey
Bob McCloskey
14 years ago

Friends: Have I missed something? I can not find anywhere a definitive statement that the Global South has broken with the C of E, nor the ABC, nor has withdrawn parishes from it. As for the former Bishop of Rochester, I find no mention of any future role for him in anything.
Being a retired priest I have time to keep a pretty close monitoring of Anglicana. If any of the above can be corroborated, I’d love to see it, because I wish it were true !
Pax, Bob McCloskey

Fr John
Fr John
14 years ago

As we discuss the Global South meeting, let us remember in prayer those christians in their provinces and diocese who long for and pray for an inclusive church. They are living sadly without the welcome and love of fellow christians. We must send them our love and assurance of prayers for them and their church.


David da Silva Cornell
David da Silva Cornell
14 years ago

@James Noble: What press report is the basis for asserting that: “So – folks – it’s all over. Archbishop Kolini confirmed that The Global South are now out of communion with Rowan and with the CoE. The FCA UK are now “called out” of the CoE with which they are no longer in communion. The Global South are establishing a formal Primates’ council, and a three-year General Assembly (following GAFCON). Nazir-Ali has been approached to represent the “remnant” Anglicans on the Primates council – it’s not yet sure if he has agreed or not. So, it’s official: it’s really all… Read more »

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

I always enjoy the posts of Fr. Ron Smith (no relation) because no matter how dark things seems he sees the love and light of Christ as a way out of the darkness. Although I am not an Anglican, (I am a Vatican II Catholic), Ron Smith reminds me of a great Catholic voice who many of us wish would have been elected Bishop of Rome, and that is Hans Kung. I think Fr. Ron Smith and Fr. Hans Kung have a similar understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, especially in the area of judging… Read more »

Josh L
Josh L
14 years ago

Where is this coming from? I read 10 mins ago on Anglicans Online that “The Global South has a structure for their own development only. They are not leaving the Anglican Communion and they are not forming their own communion.”

earlier comment: “Archbishop Kolini confirmed that The Global South are now out of communion with Rowan and with the CoE. The FCA UK are now “called out” of the CoE with which they are no longer in communion.”

14 years ago

Thanks Lapinbizarre for pointing to
I hope that link wasn’t lost on other readers here.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend approach of the anti-gay group cannot hold together even in courteous conversation it would appear.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for profanity at any time for any reason on any blog, and so, David, if you happen to read my posting here, let this be a warning: If it continues, I will cease commenting on your blog….and as you know, I’m a longtime blogger. -[18] Posted by Grandmother on ‘Stand Firm’ – Thank you, Lapinbizare, for giving us access to this item on the Stand Firm web-site. It only goes to show that Virtue-on-line is an oxymoron, and that Mr. Virtue’s site is neither to be trusted nor free from obscenities – expressed on this… Read more »

14 years ago

They seem genuinely stunned to learn that David Virtue is mean.

Bill Dilworth
14 years ago

“The Global South has a structure for their own development only. They are not leaving the Anglican Communion and they are not forming their own communion.”

So they say. Keep in mind, though, that they are big, fat liars.

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
14 years ago

I just want to thank Father Ron Smith for his comment on humility and servanthood.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

More from ex-Baptist David Virtue @ virtueonline: “Archbishop Robert Duncan, who attended the meeting on behalf of the Anglican Church in North America, was grateful for the result and commended the communiqué to the people of the Anglican Church in North America. “We are moving forward in mission and relationship with Anglicans all over the world. Our unity and shared commitment to the work of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ is a reason for great joy,” said Archbishop Duncan.” ACNA is obviously expecting a great crusade to be taking place in North America and Canada – in the… Read more »

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