Thinking Anglicans

Uganda and the Anti-Homosexuality Bill

An Associated Press report (here via the Washington Post) reports on the latest development in the ongoing saga of Gays in Uganda: ‘Hang them’: Uganda paper publishes photos of gays.

Episcopal Café reports that an Anglican is among those targeted, see Ugandan newspaper targets gays and Bishop Christopher Senyonjo.

Warren Throckmorton points out that the AP report obscures one angle: AP reports Ugandan Hang Them campaign, obscures status of AHB.

And he has two other reports which summarise the current status of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill: Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill one year later and One year later: Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

The position taken by the Anglican Church of Uganda was stated last February, and is recorded here.

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Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

I know this is repetitive – but where is the statement about this from the ABC?

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

Where are you, Archbishop of Canterbury? Where are you?

Leonardo Ricardo
14 years ago

Please, the whole nasty anti-Gay MP David Bahati (Anglican) Bill before Parliament is another lame attempt to the control the passionate and desperate mobs into thinking there is a threat larger than the Ugandan Civil War, Child Witchburning, Vertical Corruption, Sexual Slavery and out and out National ILLNESS that exists in TODAYS Uganda because of Military Man/President Museveni (Anglican)…sure, now Bishop Christopher has been ¨used¨ to no doubt attempt to tarnish him further and his ministry further for having been compassionate to LGBT Anglican in Uganda in the face of outcasting by Church and State…being excommunicated by Bishop Orombi apparently… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
14 years ago

Methinks Dr Rowan’s moment of Statu confessionis is at hand. Lets see what happens 😉

14 years ago

I hear nothing but the chirping of crickets coming from various synods around the world.

Silence is consent.

Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
14 years ago


Here’s what Canada said in June. It applies to Uganda.

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
14 years ago

Well “nom de plume”, Canada’s high sounding resolutions might mean more if it there was unqualified support for full inclusion within the Canadian Church. Check out + Robinson’s (New Hampshire) analysis in his recent article in the Huffington Post.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

If Archbishop Orombi did turn up for the Primates Meeting in Ireland, he should not be allowed to enter the country – or allowed anywhere near a meeting of truly Anglican Primates. He is an *accesory before the fact* of the imminent persecution of gays in Uganda, and as such ought to be shunned by Anglicans world-wide.

14 years ago

The violence against those targeted in Uganda has started.

“No one could have predicted yaddah yaddah.”

14 years ago

The Uganda violence – speech and more – bears loud, strong witness against the preening conservative Trumpet Calls of those GAFCON meetings. I doubt that Canterbury will bother, except to keep hobnobbing with all the usual suspects who support raw violence in word and deed while pretending to stand neatly aside from any responsibility whatsoever. Rowan Williams and other new covenant-ish leaders are bad enough, and Carey wouldn’t have been any better at this point. Chimes all too comfortably with the bullying of queer youth now published in headlines in USA. If this deep darkness so loves to identify itself… Read more »

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
14 years ago

A very disturbing development at the BBC World Service where they broadcast the call for gay folks to be killed.

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