Thinking Anglicans

Plea to Rebel Primates

Although I linked earlier to this news story, I am doing so again, because the underlying article is now available to all readers.

Read the full article by Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon, Bishop of Kaduna If you disagree, at least be there.

DEAR brothers in Christ, — the Primates’ Meeting is one of the four instruments of unity within our Communion. Recommenda­tions from the meetings carry weight and have an impact on the Communion. So we always look forward to your collective wisdom as the spokes­persons of your provinces, and we uphold you in our prayers, that you may be led by the Holy Spirit.

Clearly our Communion has been going along a very difficult road since the Lambeth Conference of 1998. To put it bluntly, we are a traumatised family, though I would hasten to say that the Church has had worse crises, and survived every one of them. My conviction is that the Communion will also survive this present crisis, and emerge even stronger, and better positioned to make Christ known in a world that is becoming increasingly relativistic and pluralistic.

There have been reports that some of you are thinking seriously about not attending the Primates’ Meeting in January (News, 26 November). This is a very worrying situation, and, after waiting on the Lord, I have decided to make this open appeal to you all, to urge you to seek the face of the Lord before boycotting this next meeting…

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Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

One waits with bated breath to hear of any positive response to Bishop Josiah’s plea – from those GAFCON Primates who have previously announced their boycott of the Primates Conference – called by the Archbishop of Canterbury – scheduled to meet soon in Dublin. No doubt, those of the Global South Primates who are interested in the future of the Communion will endeavour to encourage the dissidents to change their minds on this matter – if only to ‘regularise’ their protest against the actions of TEC and the Anglican Church of Canada. The big sticking point, however, for some of… Read more »

Davis Mac-Iyalla
Davis Mac-Iyalla
14 years ago

Well done Bishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon but why did you keep silent till Archbishop Akinola is retired and why didn’t you attend the last Lambeth Conference?

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