Thinking Anglicans

Primates Meeting: who is attending

The Anglican Communion News Service has issued a press release listing exactly who is not coming, and why not.

24 are currently expected. Only 22 of them are real live Primates of their Provinces. The other two are the Archbishop of York (representing the CofE), and the Dean of the Province of Central Africa (primatial office is vacant).

Absentees include 7 who cite the presence of The Episcopal Church as the reason, and a total of 8 who cite other reasons. Total absentees 15.

See Anglican Communion Primates arrive in Dublin, Ireland for meeting.

The attendance list from the press release is copied below the fold.

The Primates’ Meeting January 25-31, 2011

Those who are present, on their way or are expected:

The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand & Polynesia The Most Revd Winston Halapua
The Anglican Church of Australia The Most Revd Phillip John Aspinall
The Church of Bangladesh The Rt Revd Paul Sishir Sarkar
Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil The Most Revd Maurício José Araújo de Andrade
The Episcopal Church of Burundi The Most Revd Bernard Ntahoturi
The Anglican Church of Canada The Most Revd Frederick J Hiltz
The Church of the Province of Central Africa Represented by The Dean of the Province The Rt Rev Albert Chama**
Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America The Most Revd Armando Roman Guerra Soria
The Church of England The Most Revd Rowan Douglas Williams
Also represented by The Most Revd John Sentamu
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui The Most Revd Paul Kwong
The Church of Ireland The Most Revd Alan Edwin Thomas Harper
The Nippon Sei Ko Kai (The Anglican Communion in Japan) The Most Revd Nathaniel Makoto Uematsu
The Anglican Church of Korea The Rt Revd Paul Keun-Sang Kim
The Church of the Province of Melanesia The Most Revd David Vunagi
The Church of Pakistan (United) The Rt Revd Samuel Azariah
The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea The Most Revd Joseph Kifau Kopapa
The Episcopal Church in the Philippines The Rt Revd Edward Pacyaya Malecdan
The Scottish Episcopal Church The Most Revd David Robert Chillingworth
The Church of South India (United) The Most Revd Suputhrappa Vasantha Kumar
The Anglican Church of Southern Africa The Most Revd Thabo Cecil Makgoba
The Episcopal Church The Most Revd Katharine Jefferts Schori
The Church in Wales The Most Revd Barry Cennydd Morgan
The Church in the Province of the West Indies The Most Revd John Walder Dunlop Holder

Those who are unable to attend:

For reasons of visa difficulties:

Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo The Most Revd Henry Kahwa Isingoma

For reasons of health:

La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico The Most Revd Carlos Touche-Porter
The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma) The Most Revd Stephen Than Myint Oo

For reasons of diary commitments:

The Anglican Church of Kenya The Most Revd Eliud Wabukala
The Church of North India (United) The Most Revd Purely Lyngdoh

For personal reasons:

The Anglican Church of Tanzania The Most Revd Valentino Mokiwa

For reasons of Provincial matters:

The Episcopal Church of the Sudan The Most Revd Daniel Deng Bul Yak (the referendum)
L’Eglise Episcopal au Rwanda The Most Revd Onesphore Rwaje (two days after his installation)

Those who have chosen to stay away over recent developments in The Episcopal Church:

The Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean The Most Revd Gerald James (Ian) Ernest
The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & The Middle East The Most Revd Mouneer Hanna Anis
The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) The Most Rt Revd Nicholas Dikeriehi Okoh
The Church of the Province of Uganda The Most Revd Henry Luke Orombi
Church of the Province of South East Asia The Most Revd John Chew
Iglesia Anglicana del Cono Sur de America The Most Revd Hector Zavala
The Church of the Province of West Africa The Most Revd Justice Ofei Akrofi

** There is currently a vacancy in the Primacy of the Church of the Province of Central Africa. The Primatial role and representation is exercised by the Dean of the Province.

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Jeremy Fletcher
Jeremy Fletcher
14 years ago

Those of us in the Province of York are pleased that we have a real live Primate of our Province. I know what you mean (in that his metropolitical authority is shared in a unique way), but he is Primate of England.
As was put to me once: he may not be Primate of All England, but he is not Primate of less than England.

I know, I should get out more.

14 years ago

Whilst I know it’s only a technicality, ++Sentamu IS a real life primate, him being the Primate of England – not to be confused with ++Rowan, the Primate of All England.

The Church of England likes to think itself special!!

Ecclesia Anglicana
14 years ago

@Tom – “The Church of England likes to think itself special!!”

As does Ireland – the Primate of All Ireland (Armagh) and the Primate of Ireland (Dublin)

14 years ago

The Church of England is special, at least to those of us Episcopalians who spend a lot of time there.

John Thorp
14 years ago

It IS special, VERY special!

14 years ago

By my reckoning 12 of those present are from “global south” provinces or churches and that number increases when one adds others (e.g., Mexico) not able to be there for other reasons. This is a larger number than the seven primates staying away because of TEC (some of whom might have attended had they not been so strongly pressured). This illustrates the attempt of the GAFCON leaders to co-opt the term “global south”. The “global south” is not monolithic in its views of TEC or the importance or not of dialogue with TEC.

Bill Moorhead
14 years ago

No question that the Archbishop of York is “Primate of England,” in addition to the Archbishop of Canterbury being “Primate of All England.” But is not the Archbishop of Dublin “Primate of Ireland” in addition to the Archbishop of Armagh being “Primate of All Ireland”? Or in fact are the words “Primate” and “Province” awash in a sea of equivocation? (The fact that Humpty Dumpty keeps coming to mind probably should not be a surprise.)

Actually, that’s really all very Anglican. Somebody please explain “very Anglican” to Archbishop Anis.

Father David
Father David
14 years ago

So then – what’s the difference between “England” and “All England”? I think we should be told!

Göran Koch-Swahne
14 years ago

Since the 1990ies the prétendu Global South has claimed the numbers, but never managed to muster them. So their millitant abstentionism is quite understandable, une déformation professionelle, if you like.

14 years ago

“So then – what’s the difference between “England” and “All England”? I think we should be told!”

I think it’s only the All-England Primate that can go on to compete against the other primates for the Ecclesial World Cup.

14 years ago

This link explains the controversy over Canterbury or York as Primate. A compromise was worked out: Canterbury as Primate of All England and York as Primate of England.

Malcolm French+
14 years ago

At least until the 1970s, the Canadian primate was styled “Primate of All Canada.” Although there was no subordinate “Primate of Canada,” there was an internal Ecclesiastical Province of Canada (the civil provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, as well as the dioceses of Montreal and Quebec in the southern part of the civil province of Quebec), led by a “Metropolitan of Canada.”

More recently, the office has been styled “Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada,” although I don’t know if the previous use was canonically discarded.

peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
14 years ago

Richard, thank you for the link, it was very helpful, but …
MarkBrunson, is that the soccer or quidditch world cup? Williams vs. Okoh as seekers?

Alan T Perry
Alan T Perry
14 years ago

Further to Malcolm’s comment, the distinction between Canada and All Canada was necessitated because Canada preceded All Canada. The Ecclesiastical Province of Canada (the internal one) was formed in 1861, 6 years prior to the formation of the (civil) Dominion of Canada. At the time of its formation, it comprised the civil Province of Canada, which is now roughly the civil provinces of Ontario and Quebec. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island were later added, and, much later, Newfoundland as well. Ontario was spun off in 1911 into its own ecclesiastical Province. To my knowledge, it remains the… Read more »

14 years ago

“MarkBrunson, is that the soccer or quidditch world cup? Williams vs. Okoh as seekers?”

Peter (my given first name, btw),

I’m thinking Upper-Middle-Class Twit of the Year competition, but it could be Quidditch, could be. I don’t think either Williams or Okoh could be seekers, though – you have to be able to see what’s in front of you.

Father David
Father David
14 years ago

Thank you for that Mark – but can Rowan explain the Offside rule?

Father David
Father David
14 years ago

Thank you for that useful link Richard but it seems to me that there’s only one way to sort this out:- “FIGHT!”

14 years ago

The discussion makes me think of the Wimbledon All England Tennis and Croquet Club. A bit traditional and you need to know the right people to become a member. I expect they were a bit sniffy about Martina to begin with, but with time, they realised she was just going to keep showing up, and in fact was a rather brilliant player. Possibly croquet is the way forward. Curiouser and curiouser. “But how can you play with people, if they don’t arrive?” asked Alice. “You don’t play WITH them. You play without them, and they play without YOU, but the… Read more »

14 years ago

“Thank you for that Mark – but can Rowan explain the Offside rule?”

As well as he explains anything else, I imagine.

I would tend to agree with you, Fr. David, about settling the controversy, but might I suggest that we make a pay-per-view cage match, with the money to go to Haiti, Tunisia, the Sudan, and those in Australia affected by the flood? It would be the first time in centuries that a high-ranking cleric has done anything truly helpful for the poor and afflicted.

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