Thinking Anglicans

Primates Standing Committee

ACNS has published Members of the Primates’ Standing Committee announced.

The following Primates were elected as members of the Primates’ Standing Committee at the recent Primates’ Meeting in Dublin, Ireland and have agreed to serve:

Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul Yak (Sudan) – alternate Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi (Burundi)

Central, North, South Americas and the Caribbean
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori (The Episcopal Church) – alternate
Archbishop John Holder (West Indies)

Bishop David Chillingworth (Scotland) – alternate Archbishop Alan Harper (Ireland)

Middle East and West Asia
Bishop Samuel Azariah (Pakistan) – alternate Bishop Paul Sarker (Bangladesh)

South East Asia and Oceania
Archbishop Paul Kwong (Hong Kong) – alternate Archbishop Winston Halapua (Aotearoa, New Zealand & Polynesia)

Each Primate serves for a period of three years, and thereafter until the next Primates’ Meeting. Also membership ceases when a member ceases to be a Primate.

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John Chilton
John Chilton
13 years ago

I suppose it’s obvious, but if it’s so, why doesn’t this official statement say the ABC is a member/chair?

13 years ago

Am I correct in understanding that ++Jefferts Schori will be representing Southern Cone?

13 years ago

The governing clique gets smaller

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

It still remains to be seen “What power does this entail in the ordering of the Communion?”

Prior Aelred
13 years ago

EmilyH — that’s what it seems to mean.

Paul Powers
Paul Powers
13 years ago

Yes, Emily, +KJS represents the Southern Cone. The Primates no doubt decided that a Province that had violated the moratoria should be represented by someone from another Province that had violated them.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
13 years ago

Paul – they may have just looked at a map.

Malcolm French+
13 years ago

Not sure what Paul’s point is supposed to be, but the reality is that the Provinces in the Americas (Canada, TEC, Mexico, Central America, Brazil, Southern Cone and West Indies) had the opportunity to choose a representative from among themselves and they chose Dr. Jefferts Schori. Now, had the Presiding Bishop of Southern Cone not foolishly absented himself, perhaps the vote would have gone differently. As it works out, it appears that the Americas will be represented by the most liberal Primate, and that her alternate is the most conservative Primate who bothered to show up. Given the leanings of… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

With the ‘balance of power’ veering to the conservative (per Malcolm+), it would seem that the Holy Spirit will have Her work cut out to provide a properly moderated outcome. But then! Do not forget the fact that Archbishop Rowan, Primus inter pares, may have a Casting Vote. Here’s hoping – and Praying!

Paul Powers
Paul Powers
13 years ago

My remark was snarky. I apologize. It was a reaction to the amazement shown by commenters on various blogs that +KJS was representing the Southern Cone on the Primates’ SC. It’s not that unusual. Many of us have had congressional/parliamentary/legislative representatives from parties other than our own. Life somehow continues despite this misfortune, especially if there’s another representative on the body with positions closer to our own. Whether +Southern Cone’s presence would have made a difference is anybody’s guess. +Canada was there, but not chosen. +Sudan was chosen despite his absence. Anyway, all the primates have serious problems in their… Read more »

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