Thinking Anglicans

Another Anglican Covenant roundup

The Anglican Communion Institute has published The Covenant: What Is It All About? by Philip Turner.

The Living Church has published Recognizably Anglican by George R Sumner.

Mark Harris asks What’s at Stake with the Anglican Covenant. Some questions. And earlier, The Strange Case of the Province of South East Asia and their Letter of Accession.

Jonathan Clatworthy has written two items: Analysis of the Provincial Votes and a letter which has not so far been published by the Church Times but which appears here at Wounded Bird.

The Daily Episcopalian ran a series last week of articles that were first published by the Chicago Consultation:

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Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Dr.Philip Turner can always be relied upon to offer his advice on Communion affairs – under the leaky umbrella of his oddly-named ‘Anglican Communion Institute’. When looking into the provenance of this quasi-official sounding body, we discover it is composed of largely dissident theologians (four of them to be precise) who believe that TEC and the Anglican Church of Canada have erred in their local understanding of the mission of their churches vis-a-vis their felt responsibility to accept LGBT persons as members and ministers in the local Church. When one realises that one of ACI’s advisors was the Bishop of… Read more »

Martin Reynolds
13 years ago

“is to suggest that ACI alone has the right answer to the Communion’s problems” Father Ron Smith

You’ve got to give it to them!
These lads would appear to really believe this …..

But even with the new Faith and Order person at London HQ, there are no agreed mechanisms to identify what is adiaphora – to say women priests and bishops are an acceptable divergence but then to argue that a man like Jeffrey John doesn’t fit the bill just won’t go, not now or ever.

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
13 years ago

The C of E is part of the Poorvoo Communion where many of the Nordic Churches bless same-sex unions and one ( Sweden) has a partnered lesbian bishop.It is also in communion with Old Catholic Churches that bless same -sex unions.If signing the Covenant leads to breaking communion with TEC and the Anglican Church of Canada will the C of E break communion with the Nordic Churches and the Churches of the Utrecht Union? Also in practice would the acceptance of the Covenant by the C of E mean anything more than the C of I has done in subscribing?… Read more »

13 years ago

I am not sure if the South-East Asian Province will remain Anglican in spirit for very long. My forecast is they will end up like the Assemblies of God and other Evangelical Churches. Very strict and so Bible based that people will either don’t care, church-hop or quit. Many will end up in the MegaChurches. That is a common phenomenon here. Anglicanism is about the worship to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. It is not a worship of the Bible. The Bible is not God. Evangelicalism, just like Fundamentalism produces very… Read more »

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