Thinking Anglicans

AMiA will negotiate with ACNA

Updated again Thursday evening

We reported recently on the upheaval in the Anglican Mission in the Americas: AMiA withdraws from Anglican Church of Rwanda.

Since then, there have been two developments:

First, a meeting was held in London:

Archbishops Emmanuel Kolini, Moses Tay and Yong Ping Chung, founding archbishops of the Anglican Mission, met with Bishop Chuck Murphy December 12-14, 2011, in London, England, and were joined by Cynthia Tay, Julia Yong, Susan Grayson, Canon Mike Murphy, and Canon Kevin Donlon.

They issued this Anglican Mission in the Americas Communiqué from the London Meeting (PDF).

In the midst of what must be recognized as a challenging transition, we believe God is showing us His direction for the future of the Anglican Mission. Our current situation necessitates a clear response based on what we have heard from the Lord, and therefore we commit to the creation of a missionary society as a cherished and honored model recognized within the wider Eastern and Western traditions of the Church. We look forward to the opportunity to give specific form and shape to this normative structure of a missionary society, seeking the input of our bishops, clergy, network leaders and laity. We are encouraged to be still before the Lord and to discern His leading to a new canonical provincial relationship. In addition, we pledge our commitment to the eight-member Council of Bishops and all of the Anglican Mission leadership and congregations. Living out this model within our Anglican context allows us to be a mission…nothing more, nothing less in North America and beyond. Finally, we recognize and affirm the development of a Pastoral Declaration designed to provide the necessary order for developing a constitution.

Second, the Anglican Church of North America has published this Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Duncan.

Recent events within the Anglican Mission in the Americas have challenged us all. This letter is a brief report to you all about those events and about our efforts to find a path forward. The present reality is brokenness. The vision, however, that governs our fledgling Province remains unchanged: a Biblical, missionary and united Anglicanism in North America.

The resignation of nine Anglican Mission bishops, including the Bishop Chairman, from the House of Bishops of Rwanda, changed relationships with Rwanda, with fellow bishops and with the Anglican Church in North America. The resigned bishops lost their status in our College of Bishops as a result of their resignation from Rwanda. The Anglican Mission also lost its status as a Ministry Partner, since that status had been predicated on AMiA’s relationship with Rwanda. In addition, confusion and hurt has been created in Rwanda and in North America, and there is much serious work ahead of us.

Representatives of the Anglican Church in North America and of the Pawleys Island leadership met today in Pittsburgh. For the Anglican Church in North America the starting point was the importance of our Provincial relationship with the Province of Rwanda (a sister GAFCON Province) and with His Grace Archbishop Onesphore Rwaje, of our relationship with the North American Bishops Terrell Glenn and Thad Barnum and all the clergy licensed in Rwanda, and of our relationship to those represented by the Pawleys Island group with whom we were meeting. We, as the Anglican Church in North America, have been deeply connected to all three, and we can only move forward when issues and relationships have been adequately addressed and necessary transitions are in progress…


Mark Harris at Preludium has commentary on all this: So who do ACNA bishops go for jurisdictional connection?

He quotes the latest statement from the Southern Cone:

In response to these novel practices the Southern Cone had held churches in North America under its wing for some time while the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) was formed. However, the Province has not maintained jurisdiction over any local churches there for over a year…

And then asks:

…Now it would appear that Archbishop Duncan et al believe that “jurisdictional participation in a way that is fully Anglican” involves being part of a Province of the Anglican Communion as currently constituted. So the AMiA bishops “belong” to Rwanda. The Bishops of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) “belong” to Nigeria. The Bishops of ACNA “belong”…where?

And there is a further letter to AMiA members from some bishops: A Letter from some (formerly Rwandan) Bishops to the AMiA.

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13 years ago

Send in the clowns! Don’t bother; they’re here.

Robert ian Williams
Robert ian Williams
13 years ago

Basically….. their African “dupes” have served their purpose and now with episcopal succession and ” valid” Anglican orders, they can reconstruct an “orthodox” church to their designs.Sadly orthodox seems to mean anti-gay.

How much did the Rwandan bishops receive? That would be interesting to find out. I think the establishment of AMIA did not come cheap. However , who would dare accuse them of simony?

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

How on earth will all these different schismatic ex-Anglican factions in North america ever find consensus among themselves? They all seem to have different agendas – apart from their disaffection from their former constituent Churches. If we think that Archbishop Rowan Williams has problems with trying to reconcile the Anglican Communion Provinces; this will seem small beer to what ‘Archbishop’ Robert Duncan will be seen to have taken on when the various GAFCON-sponsored conservative cliques assemble under his banner in North America. Maybe the ordination of women will provide the first hurdle? And then there will be the problem of… Read more »

Dan Barnes-Davies
13 years ago

ABC badly needs an enforcer.

Malcolm Tucker may be fictional, but Alastair Campbell might be up for it…

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