Thinking Anglicans


Rowan Moore Gerety writes in Killing the Buddha about Buying the Body of Christ.

The Guardian comments on a letter from a bishop: Bishops rail against Sunday excursions.

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times that Running can seem like prayer.

On YouTube there is this: David Attenborough’s – Primate Crisis.

Desmond Tutu writes for The Huffington Post about Made for Goodness.

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peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
13 years ago

I found Rowan Moore Gerety’s article on the changed nature of the production of communion wafers absolutely fascinating. It was well-written, and respectful of both the Cavanaugh company and the religious orders who still make wafers. Thank you, Simon, for posting it. Although, … whoever thought that the needs of both the United States Food and Drug Administration and the highest levels of the Roman Catholic Church would some day converge? And the company spokesperson’s comment about “baking glue”, I found highly appropriate after once trying an unconsecrated wafer. They are even more unpalatable than matzoh — and that’s saying… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Thank God for a Father-in-God like Desmond Tutu. His positive outlook to the world – through the eyes of Christ – is affirming and gracious. No place here for toxicity.

13 years ago


Sorry. Just saw this.

I would suggest the baking of wafers for those who are willing to undertake it. It’s really not that difficult, and the difference between fresh-bake and pre-packaged is significant, rather like the difference between soft- and hardtack.

(And if you think matzoh would be messy, you should see what has to be done at every Orthodox eucharist!)

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