Thinking Anglicans

Lords Spiritual: a problem of transparency and legitimacy

Scot Petersen has written at OpenDemocracy about the bishops in the House of Lords. See Lords Spiritual: a problem of transparency and legitimacy.

…For purposes of the upcoming synod debate, however, the following question by Baroness Young of Hornsey merits attention:

If someone says, in relation to the appointment of Bishops, that the Bishops come from a relatively narrow spectrum of society and that they have separate rules of appointment, separate discipline and no women, does not all that undermine the notion of legitimation either through democratic election or through a rigorous independent appointments procedure? (p. 14)

The archbishop’s response was a restatement of the passage quoted above. But recent events have shown that the episcopal appointments procedure is neither legitimate, rigorous nor independent. In fact, the appointments procedure, which is conducted in secret by the Crown Nominations Commission, is not fit for purpose. A single case study will illustrate the point…

The synod debate in question is discussed in this earlier TA article.

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Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Surely the U.K. Government has to decide whether it rules over a theocracy or a democracy. A question that does not worry other Anglican Provinces. They have to pursue the Gospel independently of any political influence.

Martin Reynolds
13 years ago

I think this is very important.

It (very sadly I must say) shows how dishonest the appointments system is and how dishonest people are when describing it.

I hope news organisations like Ekklesia pick it up and Andrew Brown might make mincemeat of the Archbishop’s attempt at disinformation if he should feel so inclined!

There is something deeply troubling about it – something fraudulent ….

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