Thinking Anglicans

opinion at the beginning of Lent

Pierre Whalon interviews Olivia de Havilland for Anglicans Online: Reading the Bible as a statement of faith.
And in The Huffington Post he writes that God Does Not Exist…

Mary Ann Sieghart writes for The Independent that You don’t have to believe in God to cherish the Church.

The Guardian published this editorial on Ash Wednesday: the lost art of dying.

Jane Williams writes in The Guardian that Lent is a chance to take stock and imagine a changed world.

Andrew Brown, writing in The Guardian, reports the views of the Archbishop of Westminster: Catholic Church leader rejects claim UK Christians are persecuted.

Naomi Young interviews the Archbishop of York for Reform (a publication of the United Reformed Church): John Sentamu interview: When the toe hurts.

Theo Hobson writes in The Spectator that The defence of Christianity needs a little more nuance.

Graham Kings has written a Credo column for The Times (and republished it at Fulcrum): Lent is a Time to Keep a Journal of Your Spiritual Travels.

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Martin Reynolds
12 years ago

I think Theo touches on some strained nerves in his piece. I am not sure I accept all his assessments but I think there is truth in much of what he surmises.

Steve Lusk
Steve Lusk
12 years ago

The de Havilland link doesn’t work. The interview is here

Peter Owen
12 years ago

Sorry for the bad link. I have corrected it.

Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

“All I know is that you have to mean what you say” – Olivia de Havilland – This pericope, from Olivia de Havilland’s response to the questioning of Bishop Pierre Whalon, about her incentive for reading the Scriptures in Church, is surely the basis for any intelligent reading aloud of the Scriptures in public worship. This is one of the reasons why all clergy – as well as lay-lectors in public worship – need proper training in the presentation of the Scriptures. Sadly, some readings may not be properly understood by the congregation – simply because of poorly-managed articulation, which… Read more »

12 years ago

“‘That Yahweh can be so awful sometimes!’ she pointed out.”

Now THAT is Episcopal hermeneutics at work! ;-D

What a treasure is Olivia “de H”. Thank you, Bishop Pierre, for showing us a true Christian life, long-lived/fully-lived, in the Word.

12 years ago

What about the opinion of the Archbishop of York that people should buy The Sun seven days a week? He says turn a new corner etc. and a new beginning, but the police and other factual enquiries haven’t finished.

Mary Marriott
Mary Marriott
12 years ago

‘Seven whole days
not one in seven’

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