Thinking Anglicans


The Archbishop of York has been interviewed by The Independent. There are two different online versions of the interview, one on the Archbishop’s own website: Archbishop’s Big Questions Interview in The Independent, and one on the newspaper’s: The big questions: Is milk too cheap? Are the Games worth it? Should young people work for experience?

Esther J Hamori writes for The Huffington Post about Biblical Standards for Marriage.

Peter Selby writes for The Tablet about debt and money: Wake-up call.

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Liionel Deimel
12 years ago

Sentamu, in justifying an established church, dismisses the role played by bishops in the House of Lords, probably because many would argue that that role is not a positive one.

The other “virtues” of the church he talks about, however, have nothing to do with establishment. I suspect that he simply cannot imagine a Church of England that is not established.

Let’s hope the next Archbishop of Canterbury thinks more clearly and with more imagination.

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