Thinking Anglicans

Another GAFCON condemnation of Church of England

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Primate of Kenya, has published a July message, in preparation for the forthcoming second GAFCON conference in Nairobi in October. The message includes the following:

While we give thanks for much that has been achieved, especially in the emergence of the Anglican Church of North America and our Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, we are painfully aware that the Episcopal Church of the United States and the Anglican Church of Canada continue to promote a false gospel and yet both are still received as in good standing by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Furthermore, the Church of England itself, the historic mother church of the Communion, seems to be advancing along the same path. While defending marriage, both the Archbishops of York and Canterbury appeared at the same time to approve of same-sex Civil Partnerships during parliamentary debates on the UK’s ‘gay marriage’ legislation, in contradiction to the historic biblical teaching on human sexuality reaffirmed by the 1998 Lambeth Conference.

An earlier attack from Archbishop Wabukala, also related to Civil Partnerships, was here.

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Concerned Anglican
Concerned Anglican
11 years ago

What troubles me is that this seems so childish. I’m sorry to say Archbishop Eliud always gives the impression that he has the firm guiding hand of Robert Duncan of the ACNA on his shoulder when he speaks.

Andrew McGowan
11 years ago

I’m most struck by the tired sound of this, and the apparent inability of the GAFCON leadership to develop a message that is about what they are for more than what they are against. Relying on the significance of a 1930s revival for having given people in one part of the Communion permission to jump and holler a bit in Church isn’t very gripping. Granted the real significance in size and energy of some of the groups involved, this gives the impression of a movement running out of steam – and deeply dependent on what is ultimately a homophobic strand… Read more »

11 years ago

Slightly provincial headline here.
The GAFCON statement attacks 3 provinces of the Communion.

11 years ago

Yeah, just like we (TEC) preach the “false gospel” of racial equality, debt relief for the poor, and protection of human rights for women, children, and LGBT persons in all places.

The African clergy have MUCH more important matters to attend to at home, including their horrific support of human right violations.

What an uninspiring and yes, childish, outburst.

11 years ago

It’s rather patronising (and even a little bit racist), don’t you think, to assume that evangelical Africans can’t be homophobic on their own behalf, but need some shady American (or Australian) eminence grise to be manipulating them behind the scenes. Accusing Africans of being ‘childish’ is the kind of rhetoric we should have left in the past.

Interested Observer
Interested Observer
11 years ago

The problem, rjb, is that your point is entirely true but entirely undermining of the CofE’s position with regard to homophobic African church leaders. You are exactly correct to state that the assumption that these churches are only homophobic either because they’re being led astray by Americans or they are insufficiently advanced to see the problems with their cultural assumptions is the racism of low expectations. But that, at least, provides succour to CofE leaders who aren’t willing to condemn it: they can imply that the condemnation is itself racist. It’s nonsense, of course, and “they can’t help being homophobic,… Read more »

Davis Mac-Iyalla
Davis Mac-Iyalla
11 years ago

I have said it before; those breakaway parties will never give up their agenda so I don’t understand why Canterbury and York are not listening to their own people who want Marriage Equality for all. It’s now clear to me that the fear of Gafcon was the reason why the Bishops of the Church of England never approved the celebration of civil partnership in church. Canterbury and York, I think the Holy Spirit is telling you to look more inward than outward, put the interest of the British people first.

Alastair Newman
11 years ago

The Primate of Kenya hath no jurisdiction in this realm of England.

(For which The Lord is to be thanked…)

11 years ago

I congratulate the Church of England on its latest GAFCON condemnations. Quite possibly the C of E is doing the Lord’s work after all. If it weren’t, GAFCON wouldn’t be condemning it.

11 years ago

Shorter Interested Observer: shall we attribute to GAFCON either ignorance or evil?

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
11 years ago

I wonder why the latest GAFCON pronouncement fills me with indifference?

Rev. Akiiki
Rev. Akiiki
11 years ago

The East African Revival did begin in the 1930s. That is historically correct. Andrew McGowan, it is more than past jumping and shouting. Have you been to East Africa and studied the Revival? The East African Revival is continuing even unto this day. The Holy Spirit is moving in a powerful way in East Africa. Why do you think the western church is in decline and the African church is growing so much? Please do not discount what God is doing through the people in Africa who are faithful, pray sincerely, and are orthodox in their beliefs. The Bible is… Read more »

11 years ago

Akiiki a ‘Revival’ without justice and morality is not much of a ‘Revival’ now is it ?

The repression or murder of lgbti is immoral.

Where does that leave the spirtuality of the actors and condoners ?

11 years ago

Laurence nailed it, Father Akiiki. Basic Human Rights is the secular version of Jesus’ commandment to “love your neighbour as yourself.” Jesus spent his time with the outcasts, who would be the LGBT person, poor, and women. The church’s support of criminalizing gays is a gross perversion of the teachings of Jesus Christ, who said “don’t judge.” Very similar to the perversions of the Bible that were used to support slavery and the burning of witches. Crimes are actions that hurt people. God made a diverse world, and our call as Christians is to love our neighbor. Or at least,… Read more »

11 years ago

I know this is a late thought, but I wonder if anyone in GAFCON has read the Amnesty International report about homophobic human rights violations in Africa?

Daniel Berry, NYC
Daniel Berry, NYC
11 years ago

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: What is a “confessing Anglican”? I thought we’d decided some 450 years ago that describing ourselves as a “confessing church” doesn’t suit the mind of the English church, and, subsequently, of Anglican Christianity. I’m proud to be an Anglican precisely because I believe that declining a “confessing church’s” posture is a testimony to the Good News and the Ministry of Reconciliation that many ache for.

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