Thinking Anglicans


Glenn Davies, the new Archbishop of Sydney, gave his first presidential address to his diocesan synod this week. ABC Religion and Ethics has published this slightly abbreviated version: Challenges for the gospel: Christian witness and the future of Anglicanism in Sydney.

Andrew Brown writes in The Guardian that To ask whether religions are rational is like asking whether they are pale green.

Shirley Pearce asks in the Church Times: Contentment or terror?

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Father Ron Smith
11 years ago

From Archbishop Glen Davies’ presidential address to the Sydney diocesan synod, he intends to follow through with his predecessor’s homophobic attitude towards the LGBT community – to which Sydney contributes the largest representation in Australia.

Sydney’s continuing attachment to GAFCON puts it out of touch with mainstream Anglican thought on gender and sexuality issues. This must surely precipitate further division within the Australian Province of the Communion.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
11 years ago

What a depressing address from the new Archbishop of Sydney. Starting with a rallying cry which seems to be no more than a selection of meaningless phrases chosen at random and then a half hearted response to the imposition of safeguarding on the Church, I feel sorry for those who have got to think up new ways of ‘unleashing power. Then the denunciation of ‘equal opportunity’ and the concomitant ridicule of samesex marriage. The Diocese of Sydney has nothing to say to its large Gltb population, the archbishop is leading his church further into the dead end of calvinistic exclusivity.… Read more »

Savi Hensman
Savi Hensman
11 years ago

The one-size-fits-all approach to people with dementia promoted in Shirley Pearce’s article has been criticised by the Alzheimer’s Society ( and certainly does not fit my experience as a former carer of someone with dementia. Dementia encompasses a range of conditions affecting different individuals in different ways. It should also be remembered that many people with dementia have capacity to make some decisions and it is legally and ethically questionable to deny them this right.

Robert ian williams
Robert ian williams
11 years ago

Archbishop Glen Davies is Not homophobic..he is a sincere Christian gentleman, who loves all his fellow men and women, and believes everyone, gay or straight needs the Gospel.The Anglican Archdiocese of Sydney has an outreach to the GBLT population of Sydney, and the growing Asian/ethnic populations.So to say it has nothing to say is a travesty. Please grant Sydney Anglicans sincereity….to do otherwise is sheer blind prejudice. As St Paul stated ” For do I become your enemy, in that I tell you the truth.” Funny how “dead end” Christianity is growing and liberal churches like yours Ron are everywhere… Read more »

Iain Baxter
Iain Baxter
11 years ago

Once upon a time – in the 1970s and 1980s – conservative churches were growing and liberal ones were in decline! That is no longer the case. True, conservative Sydney Anglicanism has continued to grow, but this has been largely as a result of members transferring from other “evangelical” churches in Sydney. Yes, the conservative African churches are growing, but so are the conservative African mosques! What does this tell us? That the conservative Christians are right, or that fundamentalist dogma has a wide appeal where life is difficult and uncertain? Until recently at least, conservative churches have been able… Read more »

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
11 years ago

Well said, Mr Baxter. Fundamentalists are a danger to humanity, whether Christian or Muslim or Jewish or Hindu. But, when you find selective fundamentalists, such as we see in Sydney, you can neither respect their ignorance nor their dishonesty.

Flora Alexander
Flora Alexander
11 years ago

If you want to make a slightly more nuanced argument about discrimination against LGBT people, ‘heteronormative’ is a useful word.

robert Ian williams
robert Ian williams
11 years ago

Iain…You see to conservative Christians ” freedom in Christ” is a euphemism for a license to sin and the Hell bound road. Until you understand the mindset of your adversary , you will not see their sincerity or their genuine zeal for souls.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
11 years ago

‘…that recognises marriage as God’s design…’

From the first reading this morning:-

‘ At night Jacob got up and took his two wives…’

Brian Ralph
Brian Ralph
11 years ago

As a person who fled from the “sincere loving” evangelical Christians of Sydney to a vibrant inclusive growing church in Dunedin, NZ I can assure you that Robert ian williams does not know what he is talking about. For the 4 years previous to my emigration I travelled 2 hours each way to one of the few inclusive churches in Sydney which was growing. Being located in the office area of the city nearly all the parishioners came from outside the parish seeking a church which was welcoming of all. In my own residential area, as an openly gay man… Read more »

11 years ago

If the Diocese of Sydney (it’s not an archdiocese) has any “outreach” to the LGBT community, its purpose is to provide counseling to reverse same-sex attraction. Archbishop Davies is indeed a gentleman who is respectful and friendly.

11 years ago

If this gay Episcopalian ever gets the opportunity to visit beautiful Sydney, I plan to spend Sunday mornings on the beach with the secularists enjoying God’s Creation instead of spending my time in church complaining about it with dreadful church people who believe themselves to be The Elect.

ALL people are created in God’s image, and God blessed everything He created and declared it good, including Teh Gay.

11 years ago

Brian Ralph, It’s pleasing to read you’ve found a vibrant inclusive growing church in Dunedin, NZ. I’ve found a loving, inclusive, non-metropolitan church in the Sydney Anglican diocese. I’m in agreement with those who say the church has traditionally treated homosexual people in a less than loving way and the church needs to do much more to be welcoming and inclusive.

FD Blanchard
FD Blanchard
11 years ago

Don’t know why this thing is still posting me as “Counterlight.”

I am FD Blanchard, a Texan residing in New York (or a New Yorker from Texas, take your pick).

A mere pew-sitter.

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