Thinking Anglicans


Richard Beck blogs at Experimental Theology about Faith as Quantum Superposition.

David Salisbury of Vanderbilt University asks Are the world’s religions ready for E.T.?

The Archbishop of Canterbury talks to the editor of The Church of Ireland Gazette, Canon Ian Ellis.

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Simon Sarmiento
9 years ago

This interview with the Archbishop is very significant, and listening to it is strongly recommended. Here’s the outline structure from the web page:

The Anglican Communion, 00:00-02:22;
Anglicans/Episcopalians in North America, 02:22-04.45;
The Lambeth Conference, 04:45-05:40;
Payday lenders & Wonga, 05:40-08:33;
The Media, 08:33-10:00;
European Court of Human Rights & Human Rights issues, 10:00-13:07;
ISIL & Iraq situation, 13:07-17:10;
Northern Ireland political situation, 17:10-18:47;
Doubt in the Christian life, 18:47-end.

Roger Antell
Roger Antell
9 years ago

It’s good to hear the ABC enlarge upon various issues though to be honest I didn’t learn very much. He was given a very easy and sympathetic hearing which was probably to his disadvantage. Sharper questioning would have made for better communication. For example I found my eyes glazing over as he talked about the Middle East at one point in rather academic tones. A bit like the headmaster addressing ‘School’ or the lecturer conducting a tutorial, and I find that style gets up my nose a bit which is a shame because he really makes the effort to communicate… Read more »

June Butler
June Butler
9 years ago

Roger Antell, you are not alone in noting the dissonance in the ABC’s statement about abuse of power and the policies of the CofE with regard to LGTB members of the church.

9 years ago

“Roger Antell, you are not alone in noting the dissonance in the ABC’s statement about abuse of power and the policies of the CofE with regard to LGTB members of the church.”

Ditto. He seems to have missed the log in his own eye.

Oddly enough, I have some hope. At least, I have hope as long as people are willing to converse about the “dissonance.”

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