Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 28 June 2017

George Clifford Episcopal Café Further thoughts on an all-digital BCP

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Teaching and teaching documents; some thoughts

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Bishops announce Next Steps on Human Sexuality

Jeremy Pemberton From the Choir Stalls Restoring Dignity in the Church of England

Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News The Elephant Orphanage

Michał Lubowicki Aleteia A cassock: Work clothes, not a dress uniform

The Guardian Editorial The Guardian view on abuse in the Church of England: a reputation deservedly damaged
Dame Moira Gibb’s remarkable report exposes a long and shameful pattern of sympathy for the wrong people

Stephen Kuhrt Resistance & Renewal Abuse, collusion and cover-up in the C of E

Justice, Peace, Joy On Ordination, Photos, and Communication

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Fr John Harris-White
Fr John Harris-White
7 years ago

Colin’s comments again reflect the thoughts of many of us. We are human beings, not academic objects. For some of us we are a long way on our journey into God, and His Love and welcome is far more inviting then the cold , hard mind of the two Archbishops of the Church of England. Surely it is not beyond the power of the House of Bishops to speak their true feelings, and together reflect the true feelings of the members of the Church of England. Or are the Archbishops dictators in that house, and the Bishops afraid to speak… Read more »

Father David
7 years ago

I’ll never look at my cassock in the same light ever again. From now on it shall be unto me like workman’s overalls, pit-man’s protective work gear or even Michael Foot’s famous Remembrance Sunday donkey jacket.

Father David
7 years ago

Thinking about things sartorial, I read in this morning’s Times that Speaker Bercow has relaxed the rule on male MPs being obliged to wear ties in the chamber of the House of Commons! Is this the end of civilisation as we know it? Certainly an indication that the country has gone further to the dogs. As Vice-President of SEONS (The Society for the Elimination of the Open-Neck Shirt) I would urge a rethink of this retrograde step. Something similar occurred in the 1960s when bishops dropped their gaiters under Ramsey and look where that has led the Church of England.

another Fr. David
another Fr. David
7 years ago

This is my cassock. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My cassock is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
Without me, my cassock is useless. Without my cassock, I am useless.

Fr John E. Harris-White
7 years ago

Fr David, as a priest then its dog collar on all those occasions where a formal tie is required. Otherwise an open neck shirt is for very casual wear. My husband works for the Scottish Government, and unlike some of his contemporaries always dresses in suit and tie. In fact his ties are a source of interest to his colleagues, both male and female. He has a great collection, and each day a decision has to be made as to which tie is worn.
Clothes maketh the man.

Fr John Emlyn

Fr John E. Harris-White
7 years ago

As a curate in 1962, my cassock was the dress for the day, except on my day off.
We were reminded in college by Archbishop Ramsey we were the only men allowed to wear a dress[cassock], and loiter about our parish.
In retirement I still have a very long black mack which covered my cassock on wet days, and is still comfortable in a very wet Scotland.

Fr John Emlyn

David Rowett
David Rowett
7 years ago

Just a bit unsure about Stephen Kuhrt’s article. I know what he’s getting at, but there is something legitimate about the protection of the Church as soon as we see it as the protection of those who are associated with it – the plebs sancta dei, the broken, human, faithful who deserve not to be tainted by association with a completely corrupt (as opposed to a fallible) institution. It’s a so-and-so of a circle to square (or vice-versa), but I wonder whether his article falls into the trap of seeing ‘the Church’ in terms of its privileged rather than its… Read more »

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