Thinking Anglicans

General Synod by-election – Universities and TEIs

There is to be an election to fill two casual vacancies in the Universities and Theological Education Institutions Electoral Area of the Church of England General Synod. Full details are in this paper.

Most importantly a new register of those entitled to vote and stand for election in the constituency is being compiled. Those who were on the 2015 register will not have their names carried forward and if still eligible they will have to apply now for inclusion on the new register.

Time is short as applications to join the register must be received at Church House Westminster no later than Wednesday 8 November 2017. There is an application form here.

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Father Ron Smith
7 years ago

I pray that anyone accepting this invitation to become a member of the Church of England General Synod – as a University or TEI representative – will understand their responsibility of pastoral care for the people to whom they minister, without bias as to their race, gender, sexual orientation, social standing or any other differentiation.

7 years ago

Why did the two members resign?

Mark Hart
7 years ago

Simon: new jobs.

Bernard Silverman
Bernard Silverman
7 years ago

They became ineligible because of moving on to posts outside the university/ TEI sector.

Peter Owen
7 years ago

They are both moving to posts outside the Universities and TEIs. Hannah Cleugh is to become senior chaplain to the Bishop of Ely, and Duncan Dormor is to join USPG as their new CEO.

Simon Kershaw
Simon Kershaw
7 years ago

Hannah Cleugh is already the bishop’s chaplain at Ely. She’s been in post for a couple of months and was licensed a week or so ago at the diocesan synod (21 October).

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