Thinking Anglicans

Windsor Report: official ECUSA comments so far

Many commentators appear to be convinced that ECUSA will not accept the specific recommendations made in the Windsor Report which are directed to that body. What ECUSA official bodies have in fact said so far is listed below.

The House of Bishops, immediately prior to the release of the report said, on 28 September, see ENS 092804-1:

The report of the Lambeth Commission will be released in mid-October. We are committed to a gracious reception of the report in a spirit of humility and to a willingness to learn how we might best be faithful and responsible partners in the Anglican Communion. It is our intention to gather as provincial Houses of Bishops during the autumn and then to meet as a House of Bishops early in the new year to study and appropriate the work of the Commission.

Presiding Bishop Griswold issued some preliminary reflections regarding the Windsor Report at the time of the report’s publication on 18 October.

On 5 November, see ENS 110804-3, the Executive Council said:

As the Episcopal Church begins to receive the Windsor Report of the Lambeth Commission on Communion, we invite all congregations, dioceses and provinces of the church to take time to read and discuss the report. The church needs to explore the Commission’s vision of how we are called to a deeper communion with one another as a reflection of the inner communion of the triune God. The church also needs to reflect on the Commission’s recommendations about how the Anglican Communion might function amid differing views.

Our church’s reception of the report will be enhanced as you share your reflections with bishops and members of this Council. The House of Bishops will meet in January, and the Council will meet in February. It is especially important that all orders of ministry, including lay people, contribute to the church’s reflection. The Presiding Bishop would like to be informed by these deliberations as he meets with the Primates in February. We affirm his intention to appoint a group to respond to the Windsor Report’s invitation that the Episcopal Church explain the rationale for consecrating a bishop living in a same-gender relationship.

The consultations of the coming months are just the beginning of our church’s reception of the Windsor Report, for the principal response should be made by the 2006 General Convention. We believe our role as Executive Council is to help prepare deputies, bishops and the church at large for the discussions that will take place at Convention. As we considered the report, we were assisted by Bishop Mark Dyer, the Episcopal Church’s representative on the Commission, and Bishop James Tengatenga of Southern Malawi, who shared perspectives as an African church leader.

Full text of the Executive Council message is here.