Thinking Anglicans

July General Synod – online papers

Update 1: Synod members reading this might like to note that the deadline for the submission of questions is a week earlier than normal; it is 12 noon on Wednesday 19 June 2019.

Update 2 [18 June]: More online papers linked

Update 3 [21 June]: More online papers linked

Update 4 [3 July]: Link to Questions notice paper added.

Update 5 [5 July]: Links to more notice papers added

Update 6 [7 July]: links to more notice papers added

Update 7 [8 July]: links to more notice papers added

Update 8 [8 July]: link to The Archbishops’ Council Annual Report added

Update 9 [9 July]: link to second mailing zip file and final order paper added

The first batch of papers for next month’s meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod are now available online. The remaining papers will be issued on 21 June and I will add links when these become available.

Papers with a note of the day scheduled for their consideration are listed below the fold. Synod meets from Friday 5 to Tuesday 9 July in York.

The Agenda is here and the Report by the Business Committee (Guide to the July 2019 group of sessions) is here.

[This is a revised version of the timetable originally noted here.]

First mailing .zip file
Second mailing .zip file

GS 2129 – Agenda

GS 2130 – Report by the Business Committee [Friday]

GS 2047DD – Draft Amending Canon No. 39 [Friday]

GS 2104B – Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure [Friday]
GS 2105B – Amending Canon No. 41 [Friday]
GS 2104Z/2105Z – Report by the Steering Committee [Friday]

GS 2131 – Diocesan Boards of Education Measure [Friday]
GS 2131X – DBE measure Consultation response 2018 Annex to Explan Note June 2019 Annex B
GS 2131X – DBE Measure Destination Table Annex 1
GS 2131X – DBE Measure Explan Note for Synod May 2019

GS 2132 – Responding to serious youth violence: Debate on a motion from the Mission and Public Affairs Council [Saturday]

GS 2133 – Clergy wellbeing [Saturday]

GS 2134 – Safeguarding [Sunday]

GS 2135 and GS 2086 – Mission and Ministry in Covenant [Sunday]

GS 2126A and GS 2126B – Diocesan Synod Motion: Refugee Professionals [Sunday]

GS 2136 – Draft Cathedrals Measure [Monday]
GS 2136X – Cathedrals Measure Explan Note for Synod June 2019 FINAL

GS 2137 – Faculty Jurisdiction (Amendment) Rules [Monday]
GS 2137X – Faculty Jurisdiction – Explanatory Notes

GS 2103B – Amending Canon No. 40 [Monday]

GS 2138 – Presentation on the Archbishops’ Council Annual Report [Monday]
[This report is not available on the Church of England website, but it can be found on the website of the Charity Commission here.]

GS 2139 – Appointment of Member of the Archbishops’ Council [Monday]

GS 2140 – Triennium Funding Working Group [Monday]

GS 2141 – Archbishops’ Council’s Budget and Proposals for Apportionment for 2020 [Monday]

GS 2104B – Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure [Monday]

GS 2105B – Draft Amending Canon No. 41 [Monday]

GS 2142Mission-Shaped Church 15 Years On [Monday]

GS 2143 – 55th Report of the Standing Order Committee [Monday]

GS 2144 – Proposed Changes to the Standing Orders relating to the Crown Nominations Commission [Monday]

GS 2145 – “Setting God’s People Free” [Tuesday]

GS 2128A – Legislative Reform (Patronage of Benefices) Order 2019 [Tuesday]
GS 2128XX – LR(PB)O Explanatory notes
GS 2128Y – LRO Scrutiny Comtee Report.pdf

GS 2146 – Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2019 [Tuesday]
GS 2146X – CRR(A)M Explanatory Notes

GS 2127A and GS 2127B – Diocesan Synod Motion: Anna Chaplaincy [Tuesday]

Deemed Business

GS 2147 – Legal Officers (Annual Fees) Order 2019
GS 2148 – Ecclesiastical Judges, Legal Officers and Others (Fees) Order 2019
GS 2147X and GS 2148X – Explanatory Notes

Contingency Business

GS 2149A and GS 2149B – Diocesan Synod Motion: Disadvantaged Communities

Other papers

GS Misc 1217 – Living in Love and Faith and the Pastoral Advisory Group
GS Misc 1218 – List of Speakers Feb 2019
GS Misc 1219 – Table of legislative and non-legislative business transacted 2015-2020
GS Misc 1220 – Report on Activities of the AC
GS Misc 1221 – Summary of Decisions by the House of Bishops and Delegated Committees
GS Misc 1222 – Anglican-Methodist Joint Covenant Advocacy and Monitoring Group
GS Misc 1223 – Theology of Cathedral Governanc
GS Misc 1224 – Ministry for a Christian presence in every community
GS Misc 1225 – Resourcing Ministerial Education
GS Misc 1226 – Clergy Discipline Commission Annual Report 2018
GS Misc 1227 – Strategic Investment Board annual report 2018
GS Misc 1229 – Audit Committee Annual Report to Synod
GS Misc 1230 – Response from DCMS on General Synod Motion on Advertising and Gambling (GS 2125)
GS Misc 1231 – Update from the Implementation and Dialogue Group
GS Misc 1232 – Discerning in Obedience: A theological review of the Crown Nominations Commission: A report from the Monitoring Group Established by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York
GS Misc 1233 – Recent Appointments
GS Misc 1234 – Illustrative draft regulations under Canon DA 1: the religious communities regulations 2020


Chairs of debates

Notice Paper 1
Notice Paper 2
Notice Paper 3
Notice Paper 4 – Process of legislation
Notice Paper 5 – Financial statement
Notice Paper 6 – Displays
Notice Paper 7 – Worship
Notice Paper 8 – Welcome to new members & information
Notice Paper 9 – EIAG
Notice Paper 10 – Motions and amendments
Notice Paper 11 – Errata
Notice Paper 12 – Motions and amendments
Notice Paper 13 – Seminars
Notice Paper 14 – Motions and amendments
Notice Paper 15 – Members of the Archbishops’ Council

Order Paper 1 – Friday 5 July
Order Paper 2 – Saturday 6 July morning
Order Paper 3 – Sunday 7 July afternoon
Order Paper 4 – Monday 8 July morning
Order Paper 5 – Monday 8 July afternoon
Order Paper 6 – Tuesday 9 July morning

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Janet Fife
Janet Fife
5 years ago

Since safeguarding is on the agenda, I trust that survivors and their representatives are being invited to attend as the Synod’s guests.

April Alexander
April Alexander
5 years ago

Just to note that the deadline for questions has been brought forward a week and is noon on 19 June. Apparently this is because of the pressure of work for IICSA in July. I understand that but it would have been helpful to have more notice. I guess they are hoping most people will miss the new deadline and reduce the total amount of work.

David Lamming
David Lamming
Reply to  April Alexander
5 years ago

April – we were told of the earlier 19 June deadline for submitting questions (though not the reason for it) when the timetable for the York Synod was published on 21st May. So we have had reasonable notice. What is unfortunate, though, is that the earlier deadline is before members will have received the second circulation of papers. Re the CNC, you may have noticed that the Oxford DSM calling for a review of the role of the CNC and my PMM asking for the House of Bishops to review the Five Guiding Principles have both mysteriously been omitted from… Read more »

Reply to  David Lamming
5 years ago

The response – or lack thereof – will be illuminating

David Lamming
David Lamming
Reply to  Kate
5 years ago

I have now been informed that, after checking, the omission of my PMM from the Agenda paper, GS 2129, was an error, for which I have received an appropriate apology. It will be included in a Notice Paper distributed at York. I understand that the Oxford Bishop’s Council has withdrawn the Oxford DSM.

April Alexander
April Alexander
5 years ago

GS 2144 Changes to Standing Orders: after the defeat of some of the CNC proposals in February, it would be good to take note of the proposals this time and to prepare ourselves fully for the debate as some people did more effectively last time than we managed to do. The new proposal is to amend the requirement to submit two names to the Prime Minister. Since 2012 the only time when the second name was of use was to fill the vacancy in Sheffield. The reason given for having two names is along the lines that a medical condition… Read more »

5 years ago

I think you might have copied and pasted part of this? I think the reference to February is unintended.

Sorry, now fixed. ED.

5 years ago

Word to the wise: The draft Cathedrals Measure contains suspension language very similar to that under which the Archbishop of Canterbury has acted against the Bishop of Lincoln.

Rowland Wateridge
Rowland Wateridge
Reply to  Jeremy
5 years ago

This is essentially a ‘tidying-up’ made necessary by the proposed changes, including charitable status, in relation to cathedral Chapters. The suspension jurisdiction already exists in relation to cathedral clergy in section 36 as applied by section 42 of the 2003 CDM (as amended) but section 35 of the draft Measure extends the power to any member of the Chapter. Quoting from section 35: 35 (2) This section also applies where the bishop of a diocese is satisfied, on the basis of information provided by a local authority or the police, that a member of the Chapter of a cathedral presents… Read more »

Simon Sarmiento
Reply to  Rowland Wateridge
5 years ago

The explanatory note is included in the Zip file of papers on the CofE website, even though not linked separately on that page.

Rowland Wateridge
Rowland Wateridge
Reply to  Simon Sarmiento
5 years ago

Technically the draft Measure should refer to clause (rather than section) 35, but I think what I wrote above is a correct summary of its effect.

Rowland Wateridge
Rowland Wateridge
Reply to  Rowland Wateridge
5 years ago

This doesn’t seem to have excited the same interest as earlier discussion of the archbishop’s power to suspend a bishop (possibly due to that event happening). There is a further new, and interesting, dimension to a bishop’s power to suspend a member of the Chapter. Section (or clause) 35 (6) of the draft Measure states: 35 (6) Before deciding whether to suspend a person under subsection (3), or to revoke a suspension made under that subsection, the bishop must consult— (a) the diocesan safeguarding advisor, and (b) such other persons as the bishop considers appropriate. In other words, a duty… Read more »

Susannah Clark
5 years ago

Amending Canon No.40: Church of England recognition of Religious Communities. I don’t know if there are people here who are members of Religious Communities, or who act or have acted as Visitors, but I am interested to know how representatives of Religious Communities have felt, in the recent consultations, about the proposed measures, and indeed the illustrative draft regulations you linked to here: Religious communities have enjoyed considerable degrees of autonomy in the past, but what appears to be happening here – I suppose in part because of safeguarding issues – is a tightening up of the formalities. I… Read more »

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