Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 24 July 2021

Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer The immoral, scandalous and disgraceful nature of CofE bullying

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Importance of Prophetic Ministry in the Church

Anderson Jeremiah Church Times Mixed-ecology church: why definitions matter
“Some who use the language of biology are, in fact, proposing a model driven by economics”

Church Times Leader comment: Fr Griffin: one death too many

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Taking Zoom to the next level

The Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication An interview with John McGinley

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Paul Walker
Paul Walker
3 years ago

‘…the initial response of the Church of England was not to engage with the Inquest, and later “urged me not to include my concerns that may be taken as a criticism of clergy or staff for not filtering or verifying allegations”’. That sentence should be hung on a banner across the West front of St Paul’s Cathedral. It would be an effective tool to focus minds on the core issue that Dame Mullally’s Lessons Learned review should address. It should also determine the outcome and consequences for a ‘simpler, humbler, bolder’ Church. That will only happen when the individual who… Read more »

Janet Fife
Janet Fife
Reply to  Paul Walker
3 years ago

Agreed. But it probably wasn’t just one person who decided that was the right way to approach the coroner. I suspect there were several people involved in the decision, and they should all be named.

David Lamming
David Lamming
Reply to  Janet Fife
3 years ago

Agreed, Paul and Janet – and see my letter in the Church Times this week (page 24, also drawing attention to links with the Paul Overend case). These are the relevant paragraphs: . ‘Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the Griffin case is the revelation in the coroner’s report that she “received submissions on behalf of the Church of England… [urging] me not to include any concerns that may be taken as criticism of clerics or staff for not filtering or verifying allegations.” This is truly appalling. ‘One had hoped that part of the culture change relating to safeguarding was… Read more »

Reply to  Janet Fife
3 years ago

And doubtless there are others who now know about it but have decided not to act to clean house.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
3 years ago

Does anyone know who is funding the Gregory centre? Its website lists 21 people including the Bishop of Islington. It is not clear if they are all full time employees but some of them must be.

Fr Dexter Bracey
Fr Dexter Bracey
Reply to  Sam Jones
3 years ago

Their website lists AllChurches Trust and Asbury Seminary as “partners” who give them support. If Asbury is helping fund the project, I would like to know what its motives might be.

3 years ago

A mixed ecology doesn’t mitigate the effects of Darwinism, red in tooth and claw. The chosen metaphor implies natural selection and the survival of the fittest. That’s the nature of all ecosystems. The introduction of grey squirrels from North America by the Victorians threatened the extinction of native red squirrels and reduced the number of their habitats. They are incompatible species. Similarly, the Japanese knotweed didn’t increase the aesthetic quality of gardens. It became a nuisance that damaged and devalued homes.   In a mixed economy, by contrast, individuals and businesses can be supported in the event of an exogenous shock… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by αnδrεw
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