Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 7 May 2022

Christopher Yoder The Living Church The Scouring of the White Horse

Andrew Graystone Church Times ‘Re-dressing’ victims’ wounds

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Post Traumatic Church Induced Stress (PTCIS) Is it a Problem?

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Father David
Father David
2 years ago

Thinking of stress there’s a very good article in today’s Times colour supplement magazine about the living hell Dean Martyn Percy has had to endure during the past four years. The Bishop of Oxford isn’t presented in a positive light in the article and is depicted as being far from pastoral towards his Dean.

Reply to  Father David
2 years ago

I can’t access it but from the online heading it’s actually an interview with Percy.

Simon Sarmiento
Reply to  Kate
2 years ago

You can get the general thrust of the Times interview by reading today’s Archbishop Cranmer column, which quotes it extensively:

David Jason
David Jason
Reply to  Father David
2 years ago

If you read it (otherwise how could you call it ‘a good article’) then you’d know it was an interview by Martyn Percy. As a consequence it is hardly impartial!

Reply to  David Jason
2 years ago

Take time to reflect! It is perhaps the first time that much respected Martyn Percy has been able to provide his story and it is most revealing. It is appalling to think that Bishop Steven seems not to have provided support.

Unreliable Narrator
Unreliable Narrator
Reply to  Father David
2 years ago

I see that later today the Bishop of Oxford will be present at a service in Christ Church cathedral apologising for the injustice to England’s Jews perpetrated by the Synod of Oxford in 1222. But he remains silent about injustices perpetrated in Oxford in 2022. This may just be displacement activity: if you don’t know what choices to make in some difficult situation, so do something else instead. We all do it, and we all know that the choice still has to be made afterwards. But if left unchecked, it turns into grievance appropriation: apologising for something you didn’t do… Read more »

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
2 years ago

Re The Living Church piece, just what the world needs to hear from the church in this time of war and violent mayhem–an extended metaphor on ‘spiritual warfare’. Not. Thankfully there have been good alternatives to the BCP baptism liturgy for decades.

Father David
Father David
2 years ago

Following his “interview” in the Times magazine Martyn Percy has decided to leave the Church of England citing as his reasons for doing so – failures in the safeguarding procedures and bullying. The stress Dean Percy must have had to endure over the last four years is beyond belief.

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