Thinking Anglicans

LA and the Archbishop – Wednesday report

Bishop Alan Wilson wrote a further post, this one is titled Two ways to win an argument….

Richard Morrison in The Times wrote Nothing but sex please, we’re vicars…

Savi Hensman wrote for Ekklesia Liberating the Anglican understanding of sexuality.

The New York Times published an Associated Press report headlined Episcopal Lesbian Bishop Calls Election Liberating.

The Baltimore Sun published a report headlined Lesbian bishop-elect finds support as well as controversy and the transcript of the interview is at Glasspool: ‘I anticipated some kind of reaction’…

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Leonardo Ricardo
Leonardo Ricardo
15 years ago

Dear Dr. Rowan Williams, Please click on the link connected to the Baltimore Sun video…the video features Canon Mary Douglas Glasspool, Suffragan Bishop-elect of the Episcopal Church diocese of Los Angeles. I know you are familiar with her election and I would hope that you will find, as I just did watching the video, greater peace of mind regarding her selection. There is a WHOLE world of wonderful and spiritual people at the Anglican Communion…I strongly suggest you start paying attention to Gods reality and ALL of the BELOVED. Join us in the land of the LIVING CHRIST…you´ll like reality,… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“It can be argued that debates about full acceptance of LGBT people are a distraction from more important matters, such as combating poverty. But acceptance of the victimisation of minorities, and refusal to address social issues in a way which draws on the insights of social science and which pays attention to the experience of the marginalised themselves, undermine the church’s capacity to encourage greater justice in society. – Savi Hensman – As expected, Savi Hensman has her own unique take on the present controversy over the appointment of Mary Glasspool as a same-sex partnered bishop-elect in TEC. Her perspective… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
15 years ago

Good video of Canon Glasspool!

Fr John E. Harris-White
Fr John E. Harris-White
15 years ago

The Baltimore Sun has done the Communion a great service. We were able to see Mary, and listen to her journey in faith, and the challenge God has now placed before her, and her partner. Mary’s cv speaks clearly of a person who walks humbly with her Lord, and is therefore being richly Blessed. In turn she has been called to serve not only the dioces, but the whole Anglican Communion in faithful witness to Our Risen Lord who calls folk to love Him,and those with whom he gives us to share our life together. God Bless Mary, and her… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

” Justice for creation and “justice for God’s human children”, were inseparable. It was “parti­cularly silly” to think there was a choice between looking after humans and looking after the planet.” – the ABC at Climate Change Meeting – In this statement, made by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the recent Central Hall, Westminster rally on Climate Change, he boldly accepts that *justice for God’s human children* in inseparable from caring for the planet. Then Why, oh Why, does he not accept that the LGBT community needs the very same degree of caring nurture? You cannot make statements like this… Read more »

15 years ago

“In this statement, made by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the recent Central Hall, Westminster rally on Climate Change, he boldly accepts that *justice for God’s human children* in inseparable from caring for the planet. Then Why, oh Why, does he not accept that the LGBT community needs the very same degree of caring nurture?” I’m not sure that appeals to justice are the way to address the ordination of women and gay people. As we are often reminded, no one has a right to the Sacraments. It seems to me that, rather than gay people and women having a… Read more »

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